Agony (Bakugo X Reader) Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Good morning, Kacchan. Congratulations on getting into U.A., by the way." Your best friend was wearing the prestigious school's uniform, reminding you of all the things you were missing out on. When you were younger, your dream was to become a hero, alongside Izuku and Kacchan. Of course, that dream was dashed as soon as your quirk manifested.

"Do you have your meds?" Kacchan asked without looking up.

You appreciated the effort he put into being calm around you, since any anger or frustration he had would get transferred straight to you.

"Uh, yeah, one second," You went to the kitchen and opened your medicine cabinet, grabbing two prescription bottles. Returning to the living room, you ask, "Why?"

"Take whatever you need, then put your shoes on. My old hag said you had to get out of the house."

You immediately froze, then slumped over... then straightened up because that hurt your back. "Kacchan, why?" You whined.

"I told her no, but she insisted." Kacchan said, a tick mark appearing on his forehead. "...sorry."

"No, i-it's fine." You stuttered, scared because Kacchan had apologized.

Downing the quirk suppressant and pain pills, you slid on your shoes and grabbed your purse, sliding the meds into a small pocket.

"Come on." Kacchan said, cryptically. He trudged out the door and you hurried behind him, locking the door.

As you got closer to the city of Musutafu, you could feel the general agitation of people on their way to work. Kacchan's motorcycle zoomed through the streets, him driving like a maniac and you gripping onto the back.

A stretch near Musutafu General Hospital had you clinging even tighter to Kacchan, as a bit on the pain from all the patients hit you like a truck. He may have driven the motorcycle a bit faster in that moment, but you would never really know for sure.

Kacchan turned a final corner and parked the scooter in a small parking lot, locking it up. "This way." He started walking off, and you hurried to follow.

You were starting to get a headache from the quirk suppressant drugs, but you knew that a little headache was better than a full-body ache, so you did your best to ignore it. "Kacchan, where are we going?" You asked as you rounded the corner of a small building.

"There," he answered, pointing straight in front of you.

Before you loomed the infamous U.A. Wall, and beyond it the signature twin skyscrapers.

"K-Kacchan... you brought me to U.A.?" You asked in disbelief. He knew better than that... right? High schools were a cesspool of negative emotions, and any hero school was bound to have its fair share of physical injuries as well.

"What other option did I have? The old hag said I had to take you somewhere, but class starts in 15 minutes." He rummaged around in his bag for a second, pulling out a lanyard. "Put this on." He tossed it to you.

"A guest pass? Why do you even have this?" You questioned, concerned.

"Don't know, don't really care, but it'll get you in. This is a side door, so we don't have to deal with the godd*mn press. Let's go already, (N/N)."

"Er, ok." You steeled yourself, then walked forward.

It wasn't that you hated people or anything; you actually got pretty lonely, all by yourself in that house. People just had more problems than good traits, so the losses to being around people outweighed the benefits.

Thankfully, the security doors didn't slam shut as you walked through them, and Kacchan walked briskly through the halls. People looked at you weird, but didn't bother asking about anything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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