Agony (Bakugo X Reader) Part 1

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A knock on the door is not the ideal way to start your morning, no matter who you are. Ever since mom and dad had moved out, you had been able to sleep in as long as you wanted, every single day, so getting up early really wasn't a thing to you anymore.

You heard the sound of the key turning, and the lock clicking open. Stomping footsteps came closer and closer to your bedroom door, until a sharp hammering on your door made you cover your face with a pillow.

"Five more minutes..." you muttered, just loud enough so that whoever they were would hear. You had an idea of who it was, but honestly just wanted them to go away. Your shoulders were already killing you from your arthritic neighbor, you didn't need any added pain.

"No. I'm coming in, (N/N), so you better be dressed!" They yelled.

Yep. It's exactly who you thought it was.

You heard the door burst open, and turned to see your explody childhood friend standing in the doorway.

"Go away, Kacchan. Your shoulders are tense. Like, really tense." You mumbled.

"Whatever. Your parents called my old hag to get me to tell you to get up and do something, so there! I've gotten you up, I'm leaving now!" Kacchan was hot-headed and energetic as usual.

"Please do." You turned over to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, Kacchan's phone rang loudly. He picked up the call, his face contorting from annoyed to irritated.

"No, you old hag! I'm not doing that!"

Jumbled noises came from his phone, but you knew it was Aunty Mitsuki screaming.

"You know that's not a good idea just as much as I do!" Kacchan growled.

You sat up slowly, rolling your shoulders. You twisted your neck, feeling the satisfying pop when some of the pressure released.

"Calm down, Kacchan. You're making me mad."

"Wha- oh." Kacchan took a deep breath like you taught him, and immediately some of the anger disappeared.

Aunty Mitsuki screamed one last time from Kacchan's phone, then hung up.

"(N/N). You have 10 minutes to get dressed. I'll be waiting in the living room, so don't waste my time." With that, Kacchan promptly walked out of the room, leaving you confused and groggy.

Your quirk, Euphoric Gift, was a complicated and difficult one. On the outside, it was pretty simple; you could induce positive emotions on others, things like happiness and satisfaction. But on the inside, it was a lot darker. It probably should have been called Suffering Absorption. Instead of just giving happiness, you took negativity. Any pain, physical or mental, that the people around you felt disappeared, at the cost of them becoming your own.

You were constantly in agony. The quirk-suppressant drugs your doctor had prescribed helped, but they weren't strong enough to cancel it completely. Most negative emotions were cut off, resulting in less mood swings, but the physical afflictions were still there. The worst part? You couldn't turn it off.

Your quirk had destroyed your life. It had forced you to drop out after middle school; teenage emotions were simply too much to handle. It had forced your parents to move out; with a pending divorce, tensions were high. Even most of your old friends stayed away, at your request. Kacchan was the only one who still visited, which was ironic since he was the emotional wildcard.

You threw on some clothes. A white turtleneck, forest green miniskirt, and black leggings. Heading out to the living room, you saw Kacchan on the couch, reading the morning news.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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