familiar forest

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In the occult club

(Y/n):- hey yuto what is your sacred gear

Yuto:- its sword birth i can create swords

(Y/n):- yeah i know what sword birth is

Akeno:- well (Y/n) not gonna ask me

(Y/n):- why would i you don't have a sacred gear that lightning is more of a birth related ability

Akeno:- how did you

Issei:- but (Y/n) you have the coolest sacred gear that sword you just clanked it and raynate had cuts all over her body

Koneko:- yeah (Y/n) what is your sacred gear

(Y/n):- that sword was not a sacred gear it was a normal sword the cuts were a personal skill kinda thing

Issei:- but still my scared gear is so weak it just boosts my strength

(Y/n):- rias you should tell me what his sacred gear is

Rias:- yeah issei your scared gear is one of the two strongest  sacred gears you have the heavenly welsh dragon ddraig in that hand of yours

Issei:- what (Y/n) i have s better sacred gear than you atleast

(Y/n):- issei even if you had both ddraig and albions sacred gears yours still would be weaker then mine

Everyone -(Y/n) :- what does he mean by that

(Y/n):- rias when are getting our familiars

Rias:- oh yeah lets go today

Issei:- what's a familiar

Rias:- a servant that distributes summon circles for you this is mine

Rias:- a servant that distributes summon circles for you this is mine

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Rias:- i belive issei has met her in her human form

Rias:- i belive issei has met her in her human form

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Akeno:-this is mine

Akeno:-this is mine

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