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You slowly push down on the breaks of your car as the stoplight turns red just as you were about to reach the intersection. It was almost midnight, but you've just gotten off from work. Your team was preparing for a big project next week, and everyone had to stay late to finish everything on time. Although these busy seasons happened for only about a week or two, it still drained you to drive several miles home late at night only to get up early the next morning.

Tonight in particular, the tiredness was getting to you. You try to keep yourself awake, but your eyes are on the verge of closing themselves shut. When the stoplight turns green, it takes you a few seconds to notice and push on the gas pedal. Thankfully, there were barely any cars on the small road you were on.

Moments later, your phone rings, jolting you awake as the name of your caller pops out of the small screen just beside the steering wheel. You tap the receive button on the screen, his voice filling your car through the speakers.

"Hey." Seungcheol says, who also seems tired from the other side of the call. "Are you home?"

"No, not yet. Took us a bit of time to finish editing and reviewing today." You take a left turn at an intersection, making your way to the bridge that connects you to your home city. "I'm sorry if I haven't been able to reply to your messages lately. I'll make it up to you once we're done with the launching, I promise."

"No, it's okay. Don't be sorry. Keep doing what you've always been doing. I'll be waiting, just tell me if you need anything." He replies softly. During stressful times in your life, he has always been generous with his time and affection, so much so that you regret not being able to give the same back to him. "Should I hang up? You must still be driving right now."

"No, you can stay on the line. I need someone to talk to so that I won't fall asleep on the road." You say, now near the middle point of the bridge. "How was your day?"

"We just got back to the dorm after practicing for a performance. It would be nice if you could watch us live, but I think it's going to be on the day of your project's launching." You hear a few muffled noises as he shifts in his place over at the other side. "We also got some fruit from our manager today. Do you want me to come over and bring you some?"

"I live an hour away from your place, you should be taking time to rest." You reply halfheartedly. You really wanted to meet him--it's been almost a month since the both of you went out together, but you didn't want him to go out of his way.

After a short pause, Seungcheol continues. "I really wish that we lived closer to each other. I miss you so much." From his tone, you know that he's pouting from the other side. "I don't care how tired I'm going to be, I'm going to come over and visit you once you're done with your project."

You finally break out a smile. For such a tall and strong person, Seungcheol had always been soft when it comes to you. Many times have you heard your peers call him intimidating, but you know that he is far from what he shows on the stage.

"I'll take that as a promise. Let's eat something nice when you do come over. I heard that Joshua has been teaching you how to cook pasta lately." You reply, now feeling more awake.

"Sure, sounds like a plan." He says with a small laugh. "Where are you at right now?"

"At the highway. I'll probably get home in ten minutes."

"Alright. Tell your mom that I said hi, and that I'd bring over some oranges when I come over." He says, remembering your mom's love for citrus fruits. To be honest, it always made you so happy whenever he'd think about your family. Your family adores him too, so there's really nothing to complain about.

Weekend Drives (Choi Seungcheol x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now