The long black hair fell down his cheeks, and the tip of the hair fell to the ground, thick as night.

The cold wind began to blow outside the cave again, and the icy wind and snow poured into the cave, causing the fire to shake.

Sang Ye glanced at the little female curled up into a ball from the cold, and frowned slightly.

He got up and walked to the entrance of the cave, took off his gray-white robe, revealing a slender and pale body.

He threw the clothes aside, and then transformed it into shape.

The black python has a body that is more than one meter thick, and the surface is covered with dense black scales. A silver-gray pattern can be seen under the neck and the tip of the tail.

A diamond-shaped black jewel hung from the center of the snake's eyebrows.

He entangled the body of the snake in circles, blocking the hole, and then put the snake head on the body, his dark pupils watched the sleeping little female, and did not leave for a moment.

The cold wind and snow was blocked by him with his body, leaving the little female with the quiet and warmth of a room.

The next day, Lin slowly woke up, opened his eyes and saw a huge snake head.

She was so scared that she rolled off the grass.

Sang Ye opened his eyes and saw that she was slowly rolling to the ground, so he stretched out his tail, rolled her up and gently put her on the haystack.

Lin slowly looked at the giant python in front of him nervously, paused for a long time on the black jewel between his eyebrows, and asked tentatively: "Are you Sang Ye?"

The python didn't open its mouth, but it could make Sang Ye's sound from its abdomen.

"it's me."

Lin Slowly did not expect that Sang Ye's original form was a snake! And it's still such a big python!

Forgive her that the most feared animal in her life is snakes except mice.

She looked at the giant python in front of her and felt goose bumps all over her body. She couldn't help but ask: "Snake should not hibernate? Why don't you hibernate?"

"After the beast has evolved into an orc, there is no need for hibernation."

Lin slowly said in a low voice, "Can you change back into a human form? You are so scary."

Sang Ye lowered his head.

The huge snake head stayed one fist away from her, and the black snake pupil stared into her eyes.

"Do you think I look ugly like this?"

Females generally don't like the appearance of pythons. Sang Ye has suffered a lot of disgust because of this. Although the orcs who hated him didn't get any good ends in the end, the appearance is still his most taboo place.

What if the little female dislikes his appearance?

It's better to swallow her in one bite so that she won't leave him because of disgust.

Lin slowly got his scalp numb when he stared at him, feeling that the blood all over his body seemed to be frozen, and the cold air came up from the bottom of his feet.

She shivered and said, "It's not ugly, but it's just a little scary."

Sang Ye thoughtfully: "Are you afraid of snakes?"

Lin slowly nodded vigorously, and hurriedly admitted: "Yes, yes!"

The giant python opened her mouth, protruding the scarlet snake letter, and gently swept across her face: "Don't be afraid."

Snake Xinzi can be said to be the softest part of the snake's body. It left a slippery mark on Lin Slow's face.

Lin Slowly was scared and almost fainted.

She covered her cheek, her shining eyes widened round, like a frightened little rabbit.

Sang Ye felt that the little female was really cute.

He couldn't help stretching out the snake's tail, rolling her up, and then lowering the snake's head, gently rubbing her cheek: "I won't hurt you."

As if feeling his kindness, the fear in Lin Slow's heart eased slightly.

She looked at the giant snake head close at hand, carefully stretched out her hand, and gently touched the snake head.

The cold and slippery touch made her stiff slightly.

The python looked at her, encouraging expression in the snake's eyes.

Lin slowly swallowed, feeling tense in the pressure line, and reached out to touch his head again, staying longer this time.

Sang Ye rubbed her palm with the opportunity.

Lin slowly looked at his supple appearance and couldn't help but touch him again.

Sang Ye swept her whole body into the snake body, the scarlet snake letter hooked her finger, and the dark snake pupil was focused and affectionate.

Lin Slowly touched Snake Xinzi for the first time, and her soft touch made her feel very strange.

She hugged Snake Shinko in her hands and scratched it gently with her fingertips.

The python trembled, and a dark red appeared in the pure black eyes.

He couldn't help wrapping the little female tighter.

In this way, she can only belong to him, and no one can take it away.

Cute Beast world; beast husband, MemedaWhere stories live. Discover now