Ginny Weasley

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Character: Ginny Weasley (1/3)
Title: Y/n Malfoy
House reader: Slytherin
Warnings: Emotionallly/mentally unstable, bad home, abuse (both mentally and physically), that kind of stuff, swearing
Inspiration: -
Upload date: 06/05/2021
Word count: 817

Request by: anonymous
(I'm apologising in advance, this is the first time I've written a story like this, so if it's bad, I'm sorry! I have zero to little experience with this...)

"You're such a bitch, y'know? Your home that you say is so bad, can't be that bad! You have a mom and a dad, they care for you and you have a lot of money! What could I, Ginny Weasley, have that you could possibly want?" Ginny yells at me.
"No, but you don't understand! My home isn't a happy one, my life there isn't g-" She cuts me off.
"No! You don't have the right to say a thing about bad homes! You're rich and spoiled, you have a big home, you have everything I could ever want! So you have NO right to say that! You ungrateful whore!" Things of what my parents, mostly dad, yell at me flood my mind.


"I bought all of this and it's still not enough? You're being incredibly ungrateful!"


"You ungrateful swine! Nobody wants you, you know that?"


"You WILL get the dark mark."
"But father-" SMACK!
"No, no buts. Now go to your room! And I don't want to see you cry, understand?"
"Yes, father..."

"Hello, Miss Malfoy, can I help you-"
"Leave her alone, you worthless pig!"
"Father, Dobby was just trying to help!"

"Answer me!" Silence. "Y/n. I want you to answer me. Now." Silence. "Y/n Malfoy! You answer me right now!"


Guilt, scaredness, all of that fills my body. My attitude drops, while Ginny continues to yell at me.

"So ungrateful! I don't understand how you can be that ungrateful!" She raises her arm, I automatically flinch, thinking she's going to hit me. "W-Why did you flinch, Y/n?" She asks me confused, still with that angry look plastered on her face. I stay silent. "Y/n?" Tears start to form in my eyes and I avoid her gaze. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Her angry attitude drops immediately, but there's still no answer from me. "Y/n? Please answer me." She walks towards me and places her hands on my cheeks, so that I'm forced to look at her. "Y/n, I want you to answer me." I shake my head. "Why not?"
"Because you're right. I am ungrateful, y'know what? Let's call it a night, I'm going back to the Slytherin common room..." I wiggle myself free from her grip and walk towards the door.

"Y/n, wait, please!" She runs after me and pulls me in by my arm, accidentally revealing my dark mark. A wave of shock runs through my body and you're able to see that on my face. "Y/n, what's this?" She examines the mark, knowing full well what it is. "Why- Why do you have one?" She looks me in my eyes and sees a shocked and scared expression.

"This is what I've been trying to tell you, Ginny. My life isn't wonderful or great or fantastic. My life sucks." I finally allow tears to roll down my cheeks. "I live in this big house, where it always feels like someone died. My dad yells at me and calls me ungrateful, a swine and he forces me to do stuff. He forced me to get this, I don't want it! But I'm stuck with it." I point to the mark. "He also hits me and kicks me, he also does that with Draco, but we have no one to talk to, because if we do, it won't end well. Do you understand now? Do you finally understand why I want your life and not mine?"
"Y/n... I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know... I shouldn't have yelled at you or called you those things..." She pulls me into a hug. "I'm so, so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"No." My breath hitches a bit. "Not really, the only thing you can do is be here for me..."

"I will, I will be here for you." I look up at her. Her blue eyes piercing into my (e/c) coloured ones. "I will be here when you wake up, when you go to bed, whenever you need me."
"I love you..."
"I love you too."

I felt like that sucked. I just don't have much experience with it and I personally wouldn't know how to help, but I do want you to know, that if you need to talk, my dm's are open! Both on here (may not respond quick) and on Instagram (@/Melonwriter )
Don't forget to vote! I also love reading your comments! So please leave some if you want!

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