Canada (oneshot)

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Hey there! It's me again! I'm writing this one shot, but I think I might write a couple of parts to this, seeing what they can do in Canada!

Something I didn't add before, but if I do write in bold, it's either an author's note, or a time skip. ;)

I really hope you enjoy today's chapter~

Langa - "Hey Reki."

Reki - "What's up?"

The two of them were at the beach, as they came on a trip with Joe, Cherry, Miya and Shadow. 

Langa - "So the other day-"

Joe - "Hey you two! Come over here, there's popsicles!"

Reki - "Ooh! C'mon Langa, let's go get some popsicles."

Langa - "Oh, right, yes!"

The two of them ran in the sand, slowing down near Miya, who was holding the popsicles. 

Miya - "Magic word, please."

Langa - "Your majesty, we are grateful that you have bestowed this opportunity upon us."

Miya - "That's more like it, here. I got your favorite flavours."

Reki - "Thanks Miya. By the way, Langa, what were you trying to say earlier?"

Langa - "My mom said that we were visiting Canada over break, and she said I could invite some friends to come with us."

Reki - "Hell yeah! I need to ask my mom first though."

Miya - "Ah.."

Langa - "Miya, do you wanna come too?"

Miya - "I mean, if you insist.."

Joe - "You don't mind if we tag along? We'll pay for ourselves, don't worry."

Langa - "Go ahead, the more people the better."

Shadow - "Now don't go making me take your luggage!"

Cherry - "I've never done something like that."

Shadow - "Oh please!"

Cherry let out a small chuckle.

Cherry - "Don't worry, I'll have Joe do it this time."

Joe - "I'm not doing it!"

A/N - Popping into the story, but how come Miya's parents literally don't care that he leaves at like 3am to go to S, and let him travel with literal adults?? Bad parents imo. Also Cherry and Joe <3

They Come Back from the Beach

Reki & Langa on the phone ~

Reki - hey langa my mom said i could go

Langa - cool

Langa - ill tell my mom so you should start packing

Reki - when are we leaving??

Langa - i was a bit late to tell you all, but in a few days

Reki - oh dw we got time

back to irl <3

A few days later..

Reki - "Hey Langa!"

Langa - "Reki!"

Reki - "Where's everyone else?"

Langa - "Miya went to the bathroom, Shadow went with him, Cherry and Joe haven't come yet."

Nanako - "Reki!! How have you been!"

Reki - "I've been good, Ms. Hasegawa! What about you?"

Nanako - "Goodness, I've been alright. Works been on my mind a lot, so having a vacation like this helps me cool off, y'know?"

Reki - "Haha! Oh, hey Miya!"

Miya - "Hey Reki, Ms. Hasegawa."

Nanako - "I've been wondering this, how old are you, Miya? I hope I don't come off as rude!"

Miya - "No, no. It's fine, I'm 12."

A/N - I'm back, apologies. I was surprised to hear that Miya was 12, I thought he was 13, so that was that.

Nanako - "Oh, you seem much more mature than these two!"

Miya - "T-thank you." 

Miya blushed a bit.

Suddenly someone appeared behind Reki, and put a bottle of cold water on his neck. 

Reki - "Gah! What the hell was that?!"

??? - "Let's mind our language near Langa's mother."

Langa - "Oh, Cherry! You're here!"

Nanako - "Oh, I've heard a lot about you two! Cherry and Joe, right?"

Joe winked and Nanako, causing her to blush a bit, and in response Cherry hit him across the head with a book. Joe groaned.

Joe - "Mmm, what was that for?"

Cherry - "Mind yourself, you big oaf. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hasegawa."

Nanako - "Oh, please! Call me Nanako."

Joe - "If you wish, m'lady."

Cherry - "Shut the hell up before I knock you out."

Joe - "I'd like to see you try, princess."

Reki - "Nevermind them, where's Shadow?"

Miya - "Oh he went to get snacks."

Langa's face lit up at the thought of eating.

Shadow - "Hahh, you guys leave me to do everything myself."

Nanako - "Hiromi, you shouldn't have gone by yourself, I would've come with you!"

Shadow - "It's fine, Nanako."

Cherry - "We're going to board soon, so finish up the food quickly."

Reki - "Err, you didn't have to tell Langa twice."

Langa - "Oh, sorry. Was hungry."

Miya - "Don't worry, we know."

So I'm done writing the first part of this! Haha, listening to House Of Cards (BTS) was quite calming. I love Cherry sm <3 

Good afternoon, morning, or night~!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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