Chapter 2

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(I listened to Mafuyu singing, and I thought you would like to, to! :) The song is from the given movie)

Langa woke up to birds chirping, and his mother's face. 

Langa - "Gah!"

Nanako - "Your friend is here. I think his name was Reki," she said as she smirked. "He looks quite cute."

Langa - "Mom!"

Nanako - "I'm just kidding, hurry up and get ready."

He jumped into the shower, and after doing his hair, got ready and stepped into the living room. Reki stood up, and bowed down to Langa's mom. 

Nanako - "You aren't going to stay for breakfast?"

Reki - "Sorry Ms. Hasegawa, I've already had breakfast."

Nanako - "Alright then, but be back for dinner, I'd like to get to know you a bit more."

Reki - "I will!"

Langa put on his shoes, grabbed his skateboard, kissed his mother goodbye and they both walked out. 

Reki - "Took you long enough, huh?"

Langa - "Sorry, I overslept."

Reki - "It's whatever, I guess. Your mom seems nice."

They started skating slowly, next to each other.

Langa - "Yeah, she was there for me. Especially after what happened to my dad."

Reki noticed Langa was feeling down, and tried to lighten up the mood. 

Reki - "Well..uh, oh look! Miya's here!" Reki chuckled, and nudged Langa to speed up, as he sped up.

Langa noticed that Reki was trying to lighten the mood, and smiled to himself. One of the reasons he liked Reki was because of the way he acted. 

Miya - "Why're you both so late, gosh."

Reki - "Sorry Miya, I got out early, but someone here, was a bit late."

Langa chuckled in response.

Langa - "Let's go to the regular skate park."

Miya and Reki nodded in response, and the three of them hopped on their skateboards. The cherry blossoms fell at their feet, but they got kicked up in the storm that the three of them had whipped up. The wind blew against their hair, making beautiful pictures of each other. The sky was a radiant blue, almost as blue as Langa's hair. It made the three of them shine. 

They made it to the park, Miya first, Langa and Reki arriving at the same time. 

They skated, did tricks, and finally settled down at sundown. 

They sat in the grass, looking over the setting sun, glimmering on the surface of the lake, and they watched the sun set. Langa looked over at Reki, who was entranced at the sun, and the glittering lake. 

Miya noticed Langa looking at Reki, and the way he was looking at Reki. He silently got up, and whispered saying he was going home, and to have fun.

Reki nodded, and continued to look towards the falling sun. 

Langa - "Hey Reki.."

Reki - "Mm," he wasn't really paying attention, or he wasn't paying attention in Langa's eyes. 

Langa thought it was the perfect time, since the mood was all set. 

Langa - "Hey Reki-"

Langa was cut off by someone, of which he didn't know.

"Hey idiot!"

Langa - (Is he talking to me? Or is he talking to Reki?)

Reki glanced back and stopped with shock. It was those hoodlums, who couldn't get enough of Reki. (This is referring to the new episode, episode 10, where Reki got jumped by his old "friends") 

Reki - "What do you want?"

Goon #1 - "We want you to join our group again."

Reki - "Ugh, no."

Goon #2 - "What did you just say? Do you wanna get beat up again? What's with the blue girl over there?"

Langa stood up, not looking at them, then looked at them over his shoulder. His eyes looked very dark, and he glared at the goons.

Reki was somewhat surprised when they just cussed the two out and ran away, as he didn't see the face Langa had made.

Langa - "Hey, Reki. Did they say that they beat you up?"

Reki - "Ahh, yeah. But it wasn't a big deal, I promise." 

Langa - "I'll trust you for now."

Reki laughed, and Langa stopped tensing up and let out a chuckle. 

Langa - "Let's go home, Reki. My mom is waiting for us, remember?"

Reki - "Oh, yeah! Let's get going!"

They grabbed their skateboards and rode back to Langa's house. 

Welcome back darlings! I hope you had fun reading this chapter, because I was smiling the entire way through. (I wrote this during my class, so sorry if there are any grammar issues) See you in the next chapter darling <3

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