Chapter 2: I'm Here with You

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*meanwhile before dance class*

You enter the room with Chan to see that Minho makes out with Han before class and that Hyunjin and Felix is also present in the room, you two ignored them and went to warm up for dance class, you can also see the three girls from earlier, you went near close to him during the warm up resulting him to blush.

"Could you like not get close to me?" Chan said, you giggled when you noticed that he flustered and blush red, you move away from him a bit

"Sorry..." you smiled

Minho and Han stops their session and notices that you and Chan warm up together, Minho whispers to his bf and had an idea to humiliate you Hyunjin and Felix went to follow them. However Minho interfers when he approaches you and Chan "Sorry am I interrupting something?"

Chan holds you close to defend you when Minho interferes with you and Chan, resulting you to blush "Oi leave us alone will ya"

"Nah" Han joins in the conversation with you and Chan "In fact why are you two losers in dance class? This class is no place for you two"

"Um cause it says in our schedule, and you can't change that" you said "So please be enlightened"

"Enlightened wow I'm such an honor for that" Hyunjin dramatically said when he sasahays his hair when his bf wrap his arms around him from his shoulder

"You know you should be enlightened from us not you" Felix when when he smugs

The teacher came as Chan places his arm on your shoulder when you almost roasted Minho, Han, Felix, and Han "Alright class, pick a partner each group will be dancing in Latin"

You see that Chan picks you as your partner when he holds your hand, you look at him as the other students "So want to be partners?"

You nod and smiled at him, the teacher gave the topic that you two will be dancing together, which is Tango.

You two listen to the song together that the teacher is assigned to you and Chan, you sway your hips a bit when you hear the instrumental part of the music resulting that you teased him a bit and to cause Chan to blush.

After listening you both rehearse the dance together, you blush when you got close together and even laughed at the mistakes you and Chan created. After the rehearsal, each individual group is danced with the chosen member, the chosen Latin dance, and the chosen song.

You were nervous while watching the dance that each group is performing, one group is dance in Samba, one is Chacha, and one is Rumba.

You see that Minho and his partner dance Bachata which is a sexy Latin dance that involves holding and touching, you were annoyed that some of the popular kids applaud for them and the normal kids didn't.

Felix and his partner danced to Salsa which involves fast movement of the hips and pelvic, and a lot of movements across the room. Hyunjin and his partner dance to Flamenco, and Han and his partner dances to Mambo. So far the normal students didn't applaud for the popular kids but gave a small applaud.

You and Chan were the last one to perform. He holds your hand as you two are in position, Minho, Han, Felix, and Hyunjin snickers behind them.

Chan holds and pulls you close while the two of you are dancing together of Tango, the normal students stood there and awed of how well you two are performing well.

You and Chan blushed together when he places your hand on your hips when you arched your buttox on him close and you sway your hips to match the instrumental part of the song making male normal student whistled, you giggled as you look behind him. Chan bravely kiss your cheek as you two continue to dance passionately to the song.

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