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Orb, Bakugo and Kirishima walk onto the battlefield. On the opposite side, three fake monsters appear. The first was Mecha Gomora. The second was Skull Gomora. The last was Gomora. "They all look pretty stupid. I'll take on the one that looks like it can put up a fight!", Bakugo says as he points at Mecha Gomora. "The big horns on that one could put up a fight, too.", Kirishima says as his fists harden, and he collides them. "I guess I'm taking on the last one.", Gai says. Bakugo charges in head-first at Mecha Gomora.  His hand crackled with explosion, and he latched onto Mecha Gomora. It looks down, and a small light on its chest goes off. Bakugo explodes the chest, and jumps off. "That was too easy. Bakugo stands there, with his guard down. Suddenly, a beam shoots out, and punctures Bakugo's side. Bakugo stares at Mecha Gomora, which is inching forward. It stops, and looks dead-on at Bakugo. Mecha Gomora launches hundreds of missiles from its back. Bakugo runs at them, and grabs one while he's narrowly avoids the other missiles. He shoves it into Mecha Gomora, and as it explodes, he activates his quirk and it creates a massive explosion with a devastating shockwave. Meanwhile, Kirishima battles Skull Gomora. He hardens his arms and slices into Skull Gomora, which seems to barely affect the beast. Skull Gomora grabs Kirishima and pins him to the ground with its foot. It starts to open its mouth, but Kirishima hardens his back, and Skull Gomora's foot begins to bleed profusely. Skull Gomora stands there, as Kirishima stands up, and jumps at Skull Gomora. Kirishima slices through Skull Gomora's skin, leaving Kirishima covered in blood. Meanwhile, Orb finishes off Gomora.

As Riku's team gets ready, Tokoyami passes by Riku's room, and stops by. "Sir, it's our training time.", he says to Riku. Riku looks behind to Tokoyami. "Oh, yeah.", he says. He gets up and goes to exit the room. Tokyami and Riku walk to the training ground as Riku passes by a room with a familiar voice coming from within it. Riku glances over to the room, and quickly looks back forward.

Shota Hebikura.

The two step onto the battlefield. A single kaiju stands there. It being Alien Godola. Geed and Tokoyami get into a battle stance. Alien Godola stood there, and teleported behind Tokoyami. Tokoyami spun around to see Godola, and swats at him. Godola jumps up, and dives down at Tokoyami. Tokoyami looks up, and jumps up. Godola teleports to the ground, and Tokoyami is left to fall. Geed rushes at Godola."He's smarter than when I fought him the first time.", Geed thinks.  Geed kicks up dirt as he stops, then jumps at Godola. Godola teleports behind Geed, and slashes his back. Geed lands on the ground, and looks behind him. Godola looks at Geed. Tokoyami leaps at Godola, and grabs his arm and swings him into  the ground. Godola gets up to see Shaiku standing, and Godola stands, as everyone looks at him, and bursts open. What stands after him is Zegun. Riku stands frozen. Shaiku roars, and charges at Zegun. Zegun slashes at Shaiku with its calws, but Shaiku doesn't seem to be affected. Shaiku rams into Zegun, but Zegun grabs Shaiku, and begins to charge up a Zegunt Beam. Shaiku seems to dissappear, and Geed hops onto Zegun back. Without time to think Geed blasts a powerful Wrecking Burst. Zegun begins to glow, and then explodes.

Todoroki steps onto the battlefield with Zero, with Uraraka following closely behind. They step onto the battlefield to find a hell of towers and fire. As they look up, Deathlogue, the Alien Deathre had appeared. As Todoroki looks at Deathlogue, the two lock eyes. An immediate tension fills the air. Deathlogue teleports to behind Todoroki, then swings at him. Todoroki looks behind him, and tosses up some ice. Uraraka rushes at Deathlogue from behind. Deathlogue looks behind, and grabs Uraraka and swings her to the ground. Uraraka is plunged into a crater of dirt and rock. Deathlogue is soon attacked by Zero. Zero grabs his Twin SLuggers and slashes at Deathlogue. As Deathlogue narrowly dodges them, Todoroki launches up ice, trapping Deathlogue. As Zero took another swing, Deathlogue broke out of the ice, and teleported behind Zero. Zero, with no time to react, was struck. Zero flew into Todoroki. As Zero got up, Deathlogue had started running at  them. Zero had then turned blue, with the same spear as before. Zero ran at Deathlogue, and he began to clash with him. Deathlogue had started to swing his arms at Zero, but Zero blocked them with the spear, and after Deathlogue had an opening on him, Zero pushed his spear into Deathlogue as hard as he could. Deathlogue, now indefinitely open, was finished off with a raging fire from Todoroki. 

As Midoriya and Haruki begin to get ready,  Haruki sees something out of the corner of his eye. He looks over, and sees nothing. 

The two step onto the battleground, and one stands in their way of victory. Alien Guts. Zett looks at Guts. Zett and Midoriya jump at Guts. As Midoriya lands, Zett is punched in the gut. Midoriya runs at Guts, and grabs Guts. Guts looks at Midoriya, and Midoriya feels an instinct to leave. Guts stares at Midoriya with its piercing eyes, and is punched by Zett. Guts lands, and teleports behind Zett. Zett stands, and kicks behind him. As Guts is about to be hit, he splits in two, creating two Guts. The two Guts run at Zett, and MIdoriya runs in and kicks one of the Guts in the head. Zett runs at the other one, and his sluggers begin to glow blue. They fly off into Guts' back. Guts looks forward at Zett, seeming like it's not in pain. Zett finally drives the sluggers further into Guts' back, and it yells. Guts grabs Zett's head and begins to punch relentlessly. The sluggers finally slice through Guts, and Guts drops to the ground. Midoriya and Zett stand there. The two had finished off Guts.

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