Part one: before

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Loki looks around and trembles upon the reaction that Odin has given him.

Loki: The news was shocking but how could it be so shocking? Just a week ago Thor, my brother, just gave the news that he was bisexual and Odin looked at him and was merry about it. For ME being the son of a frost giant he can't bare the thought of me being homosexual.:

Loki turns so no one can see the tears gathering.

"Only if mother was here."

Loki thought to himself. Ever since the passing of Fregga it has been rough for Loki.

"Mother would have expected this news of my sexuality, she would have been merry. Why can't that bloody old man except me?!?! Loki screams inside.

Thor looks over and can tell he is in pain. He wonders why he is in pain.

"Brother why is it,as if, your about to cry?" Thor asks humbly

"I'm not." Loki replies as cool as possible.

"Brother, come now you can't lie to me;your loving brother."
Thor said sarcastically but true. For whatever it is with Loki, Thor has been there for him, he does love him.

"Loki, come with me." Thor said while grabbing his keys and moving towards the door.

"Where are we going?" Said Loki with a concerned look on his face. Thor looked at Loki and said.
"It a place where we can go and get our minds off things for a little while."

"Where is this place of getting our minds off things at?",Loki questioned while wiping tears away.

"Just come, and you will see." Thor said while heading out the door.

Loki: why must he never be straight forward with anything. he's always going to mysterious places and coming home with such happiness. Maybe where we will be going it will help me and have me come home with such merriment.:

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