Chapter 8

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        "Ben." Nicole says trying to push past him. He stands in front of her and blocks her path. "I have all day for you to tell me what is happening with you and Lily." He says crossing his arms. Nicole sighs, they both sit up against the side of the school and Nicole explains everything. Ben sits their staring at her and listens to every word she says. "And thats why I'm mad at her." Nicole says. "Lily ruins everything!" "She told you my crush; she always gets in the way of..."

She doesn't finish, Ben stops her. She feels his warm lips against hers. He leaves his hand on her neck as he backs away. "I love you." He says. Nicole didn't know to say next, she just stared at his lips. "I love you too." She finally says looking at his face.

They sit their kissing each other when they finally here the bell for first period to end. "We better go get a tardy pass and get to are classes." Ben says standing up. "Yeah, I don't want to miss cooking." She says grabbing his outstretched hand to pull herself up. "Did I ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes?" Ben says looking at her while they were walking in. Nicole just stared at him and says, "No, but now you have."

She takes her and hand and puts it in his as they walk inside the school. They say goodbye to each other but before that Ben asks, "Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" Nicole stands their looking at him amazed he actually asked her that. "You mean it?" Nicole asks. "Yeah I mean it." Ben says. "Then yes!!" Nicole says happily.

Ben hugs her and says "Yes!" and they then say goodbye to each other and go to their classes. Nicole remembered that Lily was in her nest class and sat right beside her. She sighs and walks over to her class. She walks in and finds the class has already started. She gives the tardy pass to her teacher and sits down right next to Lily. Lily sits there like nobody came in and sat next her. Nicole taps Lily on the shoulder and says. "Listen Lily, I talked to Ben this morning about you and how I was really mean to you last night." "I was super rude this morning also. All I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry."

Lily looks over at her and hugs her. "Thanks." Lily says. "I almost thought you were never going to apologize." "I would, I was just kinda mad at you." Nicole says. "Girls!" their teacher says. "Yes Ms. Arnold?" Nicole and Lily say at the same time. "Why don't you do your little hugging business in the principal's office?" The whole class starts to laugh really hard. "Yes Ms. Arnold." Nicole and Lily say looking at each other and making worried faces.

They get up out of their seats and walk over to the door and go outside into the hall. They walk side by side and sit in the chairs outside of the principal's office. "This is just great." Nicole says to Lily. "Yeah but at least we are missing the 'Boring Class of Ms. Arnold'." They both laugh and almost fell out of their seats.

Principal Stewart comes out of her office and finds Nicole and Lily laughing hysterically. She clears her throat and Nicole and Lily sit up straight and act like nothing happened. "Come in girls." Principal Ache says holding open the door. Both Nicole and Lily walk in. About five minutes later they walk out and give each other a high five. "I can't believe she actually fell for that trick." Lily says smiling. "Well she is very gullible." Nicole says. They both walk down the hall side by side to their class. What a wonderful day it was.

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