Chapter Twenty

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Weeks passed and the twins were growing steadily at a human pace not fast like the Cullen child. I suppose it's because we figured out what we were supposed to do before they did. Liza had a gift, she could go through solid objects, we found that out when she fell right through her crib. Liza also needed more human blood than Eleanor did. Aro indeed was jealous of the fact that the kids weren't biologically his but he got over it because they were adorable. They were now two months old. Caius and Aro wanted to have sex but they still had two months left on their time out clock.

Tina was running around trying to find Aro seeing as I wanted him. My door opened and Aro walked in, "what did you need Mi Amour?" I put Eleanor in his arms. "You needed me to hold her?" He asked confused.

"No watch." He looked down at the baby who raised her tiny hand and it had blue mist surrounding it. It floated up towards him and caressed his face. His face was filled with joy.

"She has a gift!" I nod.

"She does and it's wonderful." Eleanor giggled before yawning. I took her back and put her into the crib. He came behind me and kissed my cheek.

"You my love, have created marvelous creatures." I smiled at him and removed his arms from my waist and sat down on my bed.

"You three can wait two more damn months. I know your trying to sugar cost me you dick." He chuckled before kissing my head.

"Nothing gets past you my queen." He walked out as the other two walked in.

"I just told him that you three could wait two more months!" Caius laughed and sat on the end of my bed well Marcus sat next to me.

"We heard that but we aren't here to talk about that."

"Yea okay." I muttered as Liza stared crying. I watch Caius hold her. "I could have done that."

"You need rest my queen you've been working so hard." I glare at him.

"I swear to god if you guys keep trying to sugar coat me I'm going to go back to Brazil and I mean it like damn are you that fucking horny."

"We haven't done it since you found out about these two it's been over a year." Caius whined. I lay down fully on the bed and pull the covers over me.

"Be like Marcus he was fine sexually for two thousand years." Marcus snorted and Caius whined.

"Well we didn't have you tempting us back then!" I look over at him raising my eyebrow.

"Tempting you? I've been in sweatshirts and shorts taking care of two babies." He put Liza back in the crib and sat down next to me.

"That's what's so tempting my love, your compassion is very hard to ignore." He purred. I put the pillow on my face.

"You can wait till November 22, the day after the twins turn four months." I close my eyes and sigh. "Now let me sleep those two cry when I try to sleep and you fuckers aren't any help." I hear them lay down and hold me which I must admit helps me go to sleep faster.

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