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#1. Make fragrance scents last longer
Moisturized skin holds scent better, so rub some Vaseline on your pulse points before you spritz to make your fragrance last longer!
#2. Smooth Hair
Use Vaseline to tame frizz and seal dry split ends. Also, to keep unruly eyebrows in place.
#3. As an Instant Highlighter
Switch your highlighter for Vaseline. Just dab small amounts on the high points of your face for a natural glow. Put some on your shins to make your legs shiny as well
#4. Remove Makeup Stains From Clothing
With a damp washcloth, Vaseline can be used to take out makeup stains from your clothes (as well as pillows, blankets, and sheets!)
#5. Mess-Free Manicure
Apply Vaseline to your cuticles before painting your nails to keep the color from getting on the skin around your nails
#6. Soothe Dry Skin
Spread Vaseline over cracked heels, (or dry elbows), slip on a pair of socks, & go to sleep. You will wake up to healed, hydrated skin
#7. Customize Your Cosmetics
Turn any of your favorite pigments into eyeshadow or blush by mixing them with Vaseline. You can also make a tinted lip balm
#8. To protect a sore nose
Whether you have a cold or allergies, a runny nose often gets red and chapped. Dab a bit of Vaseline around your nostrils to add moisture back.
#9. Eye Makeup Remover
#10. DIY Scrub
Add a bit of sugar to your Vaseline to make your own lip scrub. Mix it with sea salt, & use the mixture in the shower as a body scrub
#11. Remove Stuck Rings
#12. Help heal Sunburns
Apply to the burn! It'll help lock in moisture to your dried-out skin and prevent snake-like peeling.
#13. Slide in Earrings
Use Vaseline to help earrings glide in with ease!
#14. Remove gum from hair
#15. Prevent cap from sticking shut on polish bottles
Put a thin coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly around the rim of the bottle.

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