Hellos Mates Part -Kevin

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I will find out who Kevin is and then we can be the best of friends unless he is my father's rival son.

I walk out of the lounge, wave at the preoccupied nurse, and then ball out of there. I hate the nurses' office. It reminds me of the past incidents where I used to make Kevin go in there for my carelessness. I still cannot forget those incidents where he would protect me just because I wanted to try something out even though he warned me not to.

Well at least I did not do anything to this new Kevin. Where did he go? I wonder... is he even in my grade, let alone any of my class? And where is my so called close friend? What class is now?


"RING", the Bell rings. I am pretty sure that I jumped 2 feet in the air just because that startled me. Students pour into out of their classrooms. I see my friend Kendal and walk towards her. Her boyfriend Kendall spots his friends and starts to pull her away from me. I can't blame her though since she did not notice me.

I try to run to get to her bumping into all kinds of people who are not paying attention to what is going on. I suddenly bump into someone knocking me down. Ugh, what did I tell you about surprise attacks?

"Sorry Kayle", Kevin says picking me up. "It's ok but why did you call me Kayle", I ask totally confused.

Didn't he tell me that he knew me, so what is up with this new name he gave me?

"Isn't that your nickname?" Kevin is now the one confused.

"That was my old nickname from a long time ago. Now people call me Haley", I inform him.

"But can I still call you that?" Kevin asks unsure.

"Oh sure you can", I reply grinning.

"What's your last name", I ask Kevin.

"Fallen", Kevin McKay Fallen replies grinning and walking away with my mouth hung open for the longest.   


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