Death would have been better

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It was like all mornings, December 15. I woke up at 6:00 to get ready for school. I drove past the Ave and to that High School building I was starting to hate. I locked the car and entered through the huge double doors. The chatter all around me hit my head hard, the slamming of lockers making me cringe at every step. I passed loker 308, 309, and finally, I was at my locker, 310. I emptied my bag and grabbed my books for the next three periods, just enough books to make your back hurt, but not enough so to damage it permanently. I hurried to my class reaching it just as the bell rang. I sat down in the back fingers crossed I could get through the class without being called on. My teacher entered the classroom smiling wide. Oh no, I thought. Then he spoke.

"Hello class, pop quiz today hope you know the table of elements." The sly smile becoming wider.

I felt like passing out I hardly knew three of them let alone the entire table. I started to shake, the room started spinning. Then it was dark.

I woke up in a hospital room, the lights were out and I couldn't see an inch in front of me. I sat up in the darkness. Nobody was there. I sat up taller and scouted the room for a light. When I finally found one I lit it immediately. I then scanned the room for a button for the nurses. I pressed it and sat back down. Within ten minutes a tall woman it blue opened the door.

"Oh," She said, "You're awake! Took you long enough!" I stared at her puzzled. "It's best we get you in a wheelchair," She smiled and pulled something from out of the hallway.

"I don't need a wheelchair," I stuttered, still not used to talking, "I'm fifteen, and healthy."

"No, madam," he smiles faded, "You're seventy-five. You had a panic attack and knocked yourself out in school, we later found out about the brain tumor and after that, you went into a coma. Please come with me, we have to tell your brother you're okay."

I stared at her, clearly, I was being pranked, "This isn't funny," I said, "I don't have a brother, I want to call my parents."

"Ma'am," the nurse said, "Both your parents are dead, they died twenty years ago in a plane accident."

I looked at her in horror and everything went dark, and I didn't wake up again.

I spent my whole life in a comma...and that morning, my last morning awake, I never even told my family goodbye.

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