Chapter 2

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You woke up to the same empty house as always. It's already almost the end of the summer, and you haven't really changed much. Your hair was a little shorter and you got a little taller but that's it. You go to your closet, pull out a nice flannel shirt, and grab a pair of black shorts from your dresser. After putting them on you look at yourself in the mirror. After fixing your hair and washing your face you grab your bag and head to the train station. The night before you had been baking cookies for your mom. You put them in the old Christmas cookie tin, She used to give other people cookies in this tin so you were going to give her some cookies in the same tin.

Once you got to the train station you put on your headphones and got lost in your thoughts. You looked up at a boy in front of you. He wasn't looking at you, he was staring at his phone. His appearance was odd, he had heterochromia from what you could tell, and his hair was also bi-colored ¨he's quite handsome, one might even call him hot¨ you think to yourself. Your face turns profusely red but you catch yourself ¨calm down y/n you don't even know him... But what if we were going to the same place and I trip and drop my cookies and he helps me clean it up...wait what the actual fuck am I talking about, wait am I talking please say I'm not...ok I'm not¨ you think to yourself very intensely. The calling of your station overhead snapped you out of your thoughts. ¨well I guess I'll never see him again better just look one more time¨ you look up and catch his eyes turning away. (gay/straight panic ensued) ¨did he just look at meeeeeeee!!!!!!¨You continue to stare down looking up one more time, ¨he is really hot¨... you then realize the mistake you had made. He was now wide-eyed staring at you.

¨oh fuck¨ you, think this time. The doors open and you practically break your body to get out of the door as fast as you humanly could. You then checked you had everything you checked your bag, then your pockets¨ are you serious... why am I so stupid.¨. You left your phone on the train seat. You grumble about how stupid you are and then start walking to the hospital. Once you finally got there you walked up to the front desk placing a perfect smile on your face ¨ oh L/n are you here, Did you bring the gift you were talking about?¨ the lady behind the desk had known you for a long time you trusted her so much. ¨ yes I do I think it turned out pretty well actually¨ you pull out the tin and hand it to her. ¨ it smells good so I'm guessing you did a great job, you can go ahead and see your mom. Oh I almost forgot your mom hasn't been in a 'good' mood lately so thank you for doing this for her" she smiles softly with a kind caring expression, you stared at her furry ears 'thank you, and it's no problem" you walk past the desk thinking "how could such a nice lady have such a shallow, rude, husk of a daughter" you stop as you turn the corner seeing the boy from the train. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" you yell in your head. Your face is already red just from seeing him for a moment. "Ok play it cool your fine just...just walk to your mom's room and give her the gift." you say almost silently to yourself you keep your head down and walk to the door " he's right behind me!!!" you think your heart pounding "wait why is he just standing there like that it's weird and creepy..." you turn and look at the back of his head "are you ok?" you ask. The boy shutters at your words. "... you left this on your seat." the boy says in a low tone he turns around making no eye contact and holds up your phone. "What-who-where did you get this?" you struggle to say as you grab your phone, "I told you it was on your seat...did you follow me here?" you freeze "No, did you follow me here?" he frowns "no I-" you cut in "why were you just standing there like a weirdo then?" he's startled "its none of your business." he opens the door and walks in. "wait what?. What just happened" you confusedly turned around and opened your door. After an hour passes there's a knocking on the door. "Who's that?" your mom looks up from your chess game "Ish meo fweirnt" she says with her mouth full of cookie "... What? Are words that hard?" you say jokingly she frowns " It's My F-R-I-E-N-D, is that clear enough for you?" "I'll get the door," you say. "Thank you," she says sweetly and innocently. You open the door. And there in the doorway is your mom's friend.

*Authors note*

HI :)

Thank you for reading until the end of the chapter. I know, I know the chapters late I got caught up in something yesterday so I couldn't post. But this chapter... I think it is the most second-hand embarrassment I've ever gotten just from writing something. Thank you all for leaving kudos. They make me so happy. To see someone likes my writing warms my heart. Leave a comment if you would like me to write any specific stories, or if you need something explained. In general, if you leave a comment I will try to respond as soon as possible. Anyways Have a nice day, Where a mask

And stay hydrated <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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