Chapter 1

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     The day you met Shinso you loathed him, you hated him with a passion. Your hatred was for no reason, His whole demeanor just pissed you off. On your first day of middle school, you entered class 1-5 as you were told to in your letter. You opened the door and took in your new class. You looked at everyone as you walked toward the teacher. He instructed you to sit in seat 4, you found your seat and smiled. ¨ yes window seat¨ you thought to yourself. Classes went smoothly as always. You were in the highest class for a reason. But then the bell rang and it was lunch, all of the students flooded into the hallways and headed to lunch. As you Approach the cafe you see a familiar purple-haired boy, he was trying to walk past a girl who was clearly up to something. You walk up to her and ask what class she's from, ¨I wasn't talking to you.¨ then you remember her. When you walked into the school today you heard her talking to another girl about her quirk, ¨it's called tabby. It doesn't do anything much except make me look cute and see down dark hallways. It sucks because now I can't be a pro.¨ She entered class 1-3 and you couldn't hear the rest of the conversation. You frown for a moment then smile again quickly. ¨ I wasn't talking to you either.¨ you say with such a warm smile on your face it doesn't seem like you're being rude. The purple-haired boy says ¨uhm...1-5...¨. ¨oh are you in the back row? I don't remember seeing you when I came in.¨ he now looks uncomfortable. ¨...ok I uh...¨ ¨let's go talk over here.¨ you quickly pull him away from the girl. She hisses at you loudly. You turn to face him when you get to the cafe. He talks before you get the chance. ¨I don't know who you are and I don't care. I don't owe you anything, You have done nothing no one else wouldn't have done. So please just leave me alone.¨ he walks away and leaves you dumbfounded. ¨ Y-Your welcome!!!¨ you yell after him. You sigh and enter the Cafe, you sit down at a table with a few chairs open. You greet the people at the table and they welcome you and ask you to sit down. Once you have sat down and are now eating, smiling, and joining the conversation you think about the boy. ¨Who are you? Why were you so mean to me? Did I do something wrong?... I should leave him alone¨

*Two years later*
¨ oh come on you have to have a crush on someone¨ the girl in front of you whined. ¨or at least an enemy.¨ piped up a boy in the group. ¨ Yes I have an enemy, I don't have a crush though.¨ there's a long pause ¨whoooo?¨ the girl asks, clearly getting annoyed. ¨...How do you not know? I make it as clear as I can when I don't like someone.¨ you say with a concerned frown. You look past the girl as she goes on to explain why she doesn't know and you look across the courtyard to all the other kids, Up in the sky the clouds are white and the leaves are green; this is one of your last days in middle school. ¨hatred is not the way of a hero y/n if you let your emotion control your actions you're sure to be rash and make a mistake. When you feel like getting angry don't yell, scream, and kick, do I put this... Find a way to get the anger out may it be telling stories, painting, or listening to loud music whatever you do express emotions in ways that allow you to make others happy when you're with them and when your alone be a free spirit and let it all flow like water.¨ you think of the smile on your sister's face after she said that. You stare at the puffy white clouds, The wind blows against your face. Then the bell rings...

*authors note*

Hi everyone thanks you for reading this far :)

I'm so happy I am writing this and I am so happy that you are reading it. I hope you all have a nice day and stay hydrated <3

(where your mask )

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