You're annoying! But...

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He shoved my hand but I resisted. "It's okay. You need to rest. Your face looks pale." I said. "Let me do it."

   "Really? I guess you're right. You know, last night I suffered an extreme headache. But I'm fine now. Thanks for this all." He washed his hands and smiled at me. I made a poker face. Awkward..awkward. Please leave this moment. Thank you.

  Before he leave, he turned and said, "Sorry for the mess." And scratched his head. Did he just apologize? Wow..cold Daebak."If you need anything, my room is right there." He said again. Pointing his finger to a door on his right. I just nodded. Got nothing to say.

   He started walking but backwards. "I'll yell your name if I need anything. Make sure you hear it."

   Yell? Well excuse me. Do I look like a maid to you? Oh this guy. Feel lucky you're my sunbae. To avoid war, I just smiled and make a peace sign with both of my hands. "Okie dokie." I said. You.Are.So.Lucky.

   "But wait a sec.." I stopped him. He raised his eyebrows. "About the guard. I mean your friend. Err..I'm actually confused. He said I'm your..umm..crush? And cute love birds? What was that suppose to mean?" I asked. Clenched my hand tightly. Unable to hide my curiosity.

   He just smiled. But this time, it was a wide smile. Like everyone said, a gummy smile.. "None of your business." He said and quickly shutted the door.

   "Oh," I said and laughed weirdly like a retarded seal. Wa..wait. That's not an answer. Yahh!! God, I think I'm the one that's having extreme headache right now. Ugh. I stomped my foot and get back to the kitchen while re-doing my hair into a more tidy bun shaped. 

   So I started by cleaning the entire kitchen then vacuumed the living room floor and do the laundry. You tell me, I do looked like a maid that time. But the 'employer'  won't pay me for this. LOL. But I do it fully hearted. Walking back and forth, from the kitchen to the toilet. From the toilet to the balcony and back to the kitchen. I didn't mind at all. It's like I'm cleaning my own house. Erk. I shouldn't probably say weird stuff like this. Change the topic! Umm...The house wasn't so bad. It's only the kitchen that looks like it haven't cleaned for ages. But the rest are fine. He still managed to take care his own hygiene. So I didn't exactly do much work. Not even sweating honestly. There's this one room (a room next to his), he turned it into a library. Interesting isn't it? I'm so amazed. Most of it are mangas. Hahaha! Kinda cute. There's also a shelf but he put all his plushies there. Must be a gift from his fans. Can I steal one? Two maybe? hehehe..I admired all of his furniture and stuff. The design are so cool and modern. He got a good taste. But it looks expensive. Rich senpai. I admitted.

   Wheww~Finally! All set. Feeling happy. I looked at my watch. 6:05 pm. It's getting late. Should I leave? But I didn't cook anything yet. Okay let me just prepared a simple dinner and then I'll go. Besides, he didn't have his lunch. Just locking himself up in his room. I feel bad. about chicken porridge? That's the usual dishes for sick people. Porridge. Last minute preparation, I decided to make two kimbap rolls and also a jar of mango juice. Hope he likes it...

   I tip toed to his room. Without knocking, I opened the door and took a peek. He's still sleeping. Pills and mineral bottles filled the table beside his bed. Should I wake him up? No.Yes.No. I closed the door and sat on the floor. Leaned my back against the wall. Without even noticing, I fall asleep. 


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