Natasha- Forest (Fantasy!AU)

Start from the beginning

You scratched between their ears and ran back downstairs, grabbing a damp cloth on the way down. The girl was still laying there, looking around but grimacing. "Alright, let's get you fixed up."

You grabbed the scissors and cut her shirt off, it was soaked in blood and sticking to her skin so there was no point in saving it. You quickly cleaned and gauzed the wound as the girl winced. "Sorry, sorry. It stings, I know."
"I'd say."
"Well you were stabbed. This can't be too bad."
"Fair point. I don't think I caught your name."
"I'm Y/N L/N. And you are?"
"Natasha. Natasha Romanoff."
"Well, Natasha, who would want to stab you and why?"
"A lot of people for a lot of reasons, this bastard just got lucky enough to get a chance."

You nodded, trying not to bombard her with questions, and examined the wound, letting out a huff. The edges were clean cut but it was rather deep. "You're going to need stitches. I can do that here though."

You pulled out a suture and started to work, apologizing every time she winced. Eventually you were satisfied with your work and bandaged it up, nodding contently. "There you go. You might want to stay here for a bit though. You're in no condition to leave."
"I'd be risking your life."
"No one even comes out here."
"I did."
"You don't count, I don't really think you had much choice."

She nodded, considering this, and propped herself up on her elbows, taking a sharp breath. You stood and packed up the kit as Y/P/N came bounding down the stairs, sitting next to Natasha. She smiled and started talking to them and you let out a small laugh, heading to the kitchen to make lunch. Something told you Natasha would be staying a while longer than than a day.

•••Time Skip•••

Nat and Y/P/N were out in the yard, playing. It had been a few weeks since she had dropped in and was getting better every day. She had started going out but always came back, Y/P/N had taken a special liking to her and it was a hassle to get them to leave poor Nat alone.

You had taught her to hunt animals and identify berries while she taught you to scale walls and fight. You and her had become rather close over the past few weeks, you very rarely had company and the only time you ever did was when your mum was in town- technically she was in the forest though.

On this particular day, Nat was trying to get away from Y/P/N to go hunt, but they were not having it. "Y/P/N I've got to go! No, don't give me that look. I'll be back soon."
"They really love you you know."
"Yes, but who doesn't?"
"Clearly a lot of people if they want to stab you. I've never wanted to stab anyone I love."
"Touché, Y/N. Touché."

You chuckled and continued reading your book on the porch. The sun was shining overhead and it was around noon when Nat eventually got away from a very upset Y/P/N. She said she would be back in an hour or so, but you were hoping she'd hurry up and get back quicker.
Y/P/N had started bugging you and you wanted to read in peace.

•••Time Skip•••

It had started getting dark and you were growing worried, Nat should have been back hours ago. You waited by the window, watching out for her while Y/P/N slept on the couch next to you. You were peering around when she came stumbling out of the trees, looking battered and bruised. You shot up and bolted out the door, rushing over to her and helping her inside. "Natasha! What happened?"
"Those damn bastards, found me, I was headed into town... I thought I'd be safe..."
"Oh Nat..."

You wiped blood from her temple as she stumbled over to the couch, coughing. You quickly ran and got the first aid kit as well as a cloth and hurried back to her, fixing as much as you could. "Why would people want to do this to you? Who would want to do this to you?"
"We all have a past, and mine sucks quite frankly..."
"That's not very reassuring."

She tried to laugh but immediately winced. You gave her your best "I'm sorry" eyes and got to work suturing and cleaning her wounds. "Fuck me, Nat. This is bad."
"Yeah I gathered that, based on how much it fucking hurts."

You tsked and shook your head, getting to the worst of her wounds. They were deep and jagged, some were vulnerable to infection. You sutured them the best you could but they weren't very pretty. As for the bruises, you couldn't do much about those. "What were you even doing going into town?"
"I wanted to get you something, for helping me. I thought, I'd be safe. Clearly I was wrong."

She pulled out a necklace, it was gold with a small, golden four leaf clover. You smiled and placed it on the table next to you, brushing hair from her face. "Thank you. It's wonderful."
"I don't know many people willing to do this for others."
"You clearly know many people willing to do this to others."
"Oh shut up."

She joked and you laughed. At least her humour was intact. Next to her, a sleepy Y/P/N had moved and laid their head on the cushion, giving her big loving eyes. "You should get some rest. I'll check on you in the morning."
"Alright, goodnight Y/N."
"Goodnight, Natasha."

You stood and headed to the stairs, placing your hand on the railing. You had made it halfway up when you heard Nat mutter something. "Love you." Under your breath you muttered back; "Love you too."

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