11.3 mindlosing

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im about to lose my mind.

this aint a poem,
no beautiful words to see.
but the beauty of yours,
it left my heart suffering like this.

heart aching when i realize
youre too cool, too perfect to get.

feeling tortured by stupidity while i was painting a smile in my face, murmuring the name of yours, looking at how precious you are in pictures, dying when i see you, hear you even if i know youre just far from my league.

i cannot reach you, but knowing you exist in the exact same planet with me lighten my life like a torch inside a dark cave.

i dont know if this is sadness,
i dont know if this is happiness.
i know i cannot reach you but i'll keep on hoping that my prayers to god will bring me through you someday, somewhere, somehow.

i dont know if i love you,
but i think i do.


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