Already sighting green fields and buildings near the fields Chaeyoung knew that he was in Changwon already, he knew that he was home, Changwon was always a home for him ever since and it will always be a home for him no matter what, people in Changwon loves him too, they all know him not just for being a famous artist and racer, but also for his kind heart and helpful nature that draws the people of Changwon into him more, well he was still raised by his parents from his early months to six years old, he was well treated and loved so much by his parents, not just his parents but also of Jeongyeon's parents, they loved him like he was their own, like he was a real part of their family, and they never complained in taking him in because it was the least they could do to repay Timothy and Ara for everything they've done for the both of them.

    The cold breeze of November hit Chaeyoung's skin as soon as he got out of his car and stepped into the ground outside his big farm, the sky still a bit gloomy and slowly turning dark indicating that rain may come anytime soon. Ignoring the gloomy and dark look of the sky, Chaeyoung made his way to the big white fence of the farm and opened it, the sight of different plants, vegetables and flowers greeted him along with the smell of fresh province air — the calming air that everybody loves whenever going to a province.

    "Mr. Azai! Welcome back!" A woman in her mid 50's greeted as soon as Chaeyoung walked in further in to the farm.

    "Mrs. Kwon, so nice to see you again," Chaeyoung greeted back giving the woman a smile and was soon engulfed into a tight hug the lady pulled him in to, reciprocating the hug with a smile Chaeyoung felt the lady softly tap his back before pulling away and gave him a smile.

    "How's everything going here?" Chaeyoung asked roaming his eyes around the opening they were in before looking back down to the lady in front of him.

     "Everything is doing just as fine Colton, the farm has been going very great," The woman answered as they both started to walk further more into the farm being greeted by the farmers who Chaeyoung greeted warmly with a smile plastered on his face — if he wasn't an artist and a racer many would've thought that his running for mayor or something.

   "How about the crops? The plants? The vegetables and the flowers?" The young guy asked again as he lets his hand brush over the path of plants they were passing by.

    "Everything is doing great, we just exported a lot of vegetables and plants to Canada, and a lot of flowers to Amsterdam," The woman mused out smiling as they both continued to walk talking about how the farm is doing, a proud smile never leaving Chaeyoung's lips as the woman continues to talk and tell about how the farm was when he wasn't here.

   "Now we haven't harvested anything yet though," The woman muttered smiling sadly as she looks around the area they were in and saw not much of plants and vegetables around them.

   "Why? What happened?" Chaeyoung asked turning his gaze down to the woman beside him.

   "The weather hasn't been near to good, no sun was showing often," The woman answered, Chaeyoung giving a small nod before looking up at the sky and saw it getting darker and gloomier by the time.

    "Let's fix the farm once the weather gets better since I'll be staying here for a few more days, how's that sound Mrs. Kwon?" Chaeyoung asked showing a bright smile to the woman who was now showing the same smile nodding her head happily.

     "Such a really great guy you are Colton, yet I'm still wondering why you don't have a girlfriend," The woman said with a teasing tone of her last sentence that earned a fake groan from Chaeyoung making both of them burst into laughter.

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