Chapter 4

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I opened the door to greet Daniel. "Daniel, how can I help you" I said politely. Obviously we had some chemistry and I wasn't sure on how it would go down with Steve. "Hey Peg, can we talk?" I kind of knew where this was going but I wasn't sure what to say. "Peggy, where do I put the plates" Steve called through from the kitchen 'crap' I thought but concealed it from my facial emotions. "Sorry, I have company". Daniel looked at me puzzled. "Peg?" Steve walked over to me with a plate and a tea towel in his hand. "Hi" Steve greeted Daniel. Daniel just looked at him and then me, took a double take at Steve and just took in a breath. "Steve this is Daniel,  Daniel this is Steve" I said awkwardly. "You're....You're Captain America" Daniel said trying to process things. "Yere, hello, Steve Rogers" Steve offered out his hand for Daniel to shake. I could see Daniel contemplating his next words. I gave him a subtle look to say 'Stay Calm'. Daniel reluctantly shook steves hand
"Daniel Sousa" he said introducing himself. "Nice to meet you" Steve said with a smile. Daniel looked at me obviously irritated. "Why now " Daniel said, I glared at him trying to warn him to back off. "Excuse me " Steve said taken aback by Daniels comment. "Daniel " I whispered trying to stop him. "After all of these years you decide to come back now,  last time I checked you were still nice and snug frozen in a massive iceblock" Daniel said gradually raising his voice. I felt it best not to interfere. "I didntmean to cause inconvenience,  but in the moment it seemed best to give my life rather than let millions die" I wasn't sure what to do Daniel did have a point though. "Do you know how many people you causer pain, how many suffered due to your actions" I slowly lowered my head knowing Daniel was taking about me. "I'm sorry to sound rude but why is it any of your concern I did what I had to do and yes the outcome wasn't exactly pleasant but it had to be done" Steve said defending himself. "It isn't but it doesn't seem very fair, and how are you here anyway I thought you were still encased in a block of ice at starks lab" I was also curious but that was for another time
"Its complicated" Steve said. Daniel just gave him a look saying 'is that so'. "Do you really think you can return and slide back into your old life like nothing happened" Daniel said getting more aggressive. "I understand that what I did caused issues and that things won't be the way the were when left" "damn right it won't " Daniel said almost shouting "Will you two shut your fucking cakeholes and stop bloody bickering!" They both looked at me with an expression that was a mix between 'wtf' and 'I should be quiet now'. "Daniel, I think its best you go ill see in the office in a few days" I said trying to avoid drama "yere whatever" he said storming off. I shut the door and went and sat on the sofa. "What on earth was that all about" I said to steve

Steve POV
“What was what?” I asked Peggy while I grab the newspaper and continue reading. She sat beside me and looked at me annoyed. “That, with Daniel” she said pointing to the door. “It’s was nothing he was just-“ “just what” Peggy says interrupting me.

“I just said what I had to. He was being a total dick head.” I said in response. It was true he was being a dick head. He can’t just show up here in Peggy’s house without telling her especially since they don’t have anything going on anymore. Unless? “He was just being friendly and plus it’s not like what he said was not true.” She says looking at her feet swaying them gently. “What him saying that when I went into deep sleep and you guys thought I died, people were hurt and in pain? Or was he just talking about you?” I said getting up and putting my hands on my waist, she then joined me. “He is right okay, when you left I was in really deep pain. I did not go out for years. I stayed home and I dug deep into work cases I was a complete mess. And when I met Daniel he treated me like you. I never thought about him more than friends until, until I” “until you started sleeping with him?” I said cutting her off. “Do you love him peg? Do you wanna be with him because if you do I can go tell Howard about everything and find a place to stay with him I’m sure he would love that.” She rolled her eyes. “Sure I’m sure he would!” She said yelling at me. “I can’t do this Peggy we can fight and argue but I’m not giving up on us. I can back to be with you! Can’t you see that!” I said yelling at her. “I’m going to bed.” She followed me upstairs. “Fine!” I saw her walk to her room and slam the door shut. I love Peggy more than anything and even if she loves Daniel, I wanna give her space. I wanna be her boyfriend officially. And I want her to be my girlfriend officially too and make sure the whole public knows so they can stop calling her names for supposedly just being with me just for the looks and the so called fame. I love Peggy and that’s all that matters to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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