Chapter 3

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Steve POV
I was in the guest room getting ready for bed when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turn to see Peggy staring at me while she is leaning against the door. “Need something dear” I said facing to look at her. She shakes her head and walks in. “I just, love you” she says as she wraps her hands around my waist and lays her head gently on my chest. I smile and lay my chin on her head. I wrap my arms tightly around her waist. “I love you to peg” I say. She lifts her head and kisses me softly. I still don’t know how I’m gonna tell Peggy that I’m from the future and I risked my life because I want to spend my life here with her. I feel like when I tell her she won’t believe me right away but later she will try and believe me. Oh my god I still haven’t found out how I’m gonna tell the whole world that captain America is back. Like “hey I crashed the plane and died then I fought war in the future and time traveled over here.” I feel like everybody is gonna laugh at me and they are gonna think I’ve gone crazy.  I just have to tell the truth. It might make people think I’ve gone mad, but it’s better than lying to everyone I know. I guess I was really focused that I forgot I was kissing Peggy. When we pulled away, she smiled lightly. I couldn’t help but smile back at her. But then again, I’m pulled back to my thoughts. “Steve? Are you alright?” She asked me concerned. “Yea I’m just, tired that’s it.” I say lying.

Peggys Pov

I gave him a look as if to say "are you sure, I'm not so convinced" but i let it be, if only just got him back inwasnt gonna scare him off by interagateing him with my worries. I nuzzled into him once more and gave him a kiss in the cheek and wondered over to my room. "Goodnight darling, sleepwell I love you" I said with a smile on my face. Steve turned around to look at me "night dear I love you too". I smiled at him again turned around shut the door. Got myself ready for bed got into bed and went to sleep, with the biggest feeling of happiness to have Steve back after so many years.

Next day

I woke up to the smell of burning so I immediately panicked grabbed my dressing gown and ran downstairs to see Steve over the stove with a drying that had a slab of what looked like charcoal. "Steve what the blooming hell are you up to" I said trying not to burst out laughing. He just gave me a pouty face and said "I wanted to make you pancakes" I giggled in response to this and he gave me a little smile "oh Steve, you wally your not supposedto burn them" I giggled. "I know I just wanted to surprise you" my face heated up with a huge smile "aw dear thats so sweet of you, here let me teach you " I poured the disintegrated pancake into the bin put the pan back on the stove and poured out the batter mix into the pan enough to form a pancake and left it sizzle. Steve snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist under my arms and rested his chin on my shoulder. I flipped over the pancake and I heard Steve sigh. I giggled a little "what?" I asked "when I did that it had already gone black and brown" he said in a kiddy voice "you left it a bit to long and you let the pancake burn" I told him "Oh" he said sounding disappointed, "its ok you'll get it, it took me a while to get it right " I said trying to cheer him up, I kissed him in the cheek and I felt him smile. "Plate" I said as a way of quickly asking for one. I flipped the pancake on to the plate. "Voila" i said and passed him the plate. "No you have it"he said being polite "it's ok dear im going to make some more" and luckily he listened he sat down at the table and devoured it. "Anyone would have thought you've never been fed" isaid while giggling. He smiled back at me and just laughed.

Steve POV
I was kinda embarrassed that I did not know how to make a one simple pancake for the love of my life. While we were eating the pancakes that Peggy made I was thinking about the future again. When I went to get more particles , she was already married and that was 20 years from now. I was trying to remember who she marry’s but I can’t remember. I do remember that this year she had some time of fling with a Daniel guy. I don’t know if she was still with him now as we speak so I decided to ask her.“Hey darling?” She sits back down and looks at me. “Yes honey?” “Um this might sound weird but, are you dating anyone right now like.” She looks at me confused “like have you kissed anyone other than me since I came back?” I ask her. It takes her a moment to talk but she then answers me with all honesty, “well the is this one guy, but it’s nothing. Not anymore.” She says while looking down at her food. “Okay I believe you peg” I say grabbing her hand and placing it on mine across the table. She smiled and begins to eat. I’m still curious of this “Daniel” guy. His last name is a blank but I’m sure it will come to be soon.

After breakfast Me and Peggy were on the couch just hanging out. We were both looking through the news paper when I decided to go turn on the record player. I put on the one song “cheek to cheek” and smile. I turn around to see her smiling and blushing. I get near her and put my hand out, and she takes it right away. We start to sway and follow the music beet. Her head was resting on my chest as my chin was on her head. The song was about to end when there was a knock on the door. Peggy pulled away slowly and went to answer. I saw by the way her face changed right away it was not good. I went to look and there was a not so tall brunette haired man with a crutch on one hand and white roses on the other hand. I saw the roses and new that those were not peg’s favorite roses, there were red roses. I wrapped my hand around her waist and asked her “darling who’s this?”

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