A 10000 word+ story

Start from the beginning

Skylar's grades started dropping, so he was kicked out of the advanced classes. If you ask me, he did it on purpose. His type was "brainless beauty." Advanced classes didn't exactly give him what he wanted, but I did not mind him leaving. I only talked to him because he was always with the other two. We didn't see much of him after that.

With just the three of us, we had a lot more fun. Skylar was always making us go to things like theme parks and karaoke nights at different restaurants. The three of us were perfectly happy just going to the arcade or even the library. We happened to like a lot of the same books too. I was really surprised by how many romance novels they read.

Whenever there was a group project, we always begged the teachers to let us work together, and we usually made no less than an A. If our grades could take a lower grade, we slacked off a little and got a low B. It really made the rest of our classmates mad!

It wasn't too long after that the rumors started. Everyone noticed how I spent all my time with those two. They came up with stories like them being my secret brothers, but most of the rumors were about love. They said things about there being a love triangle, and they said I was too indecisive to pick one. They said that I was leading them on just so that I wouldn't be lonely or get bored. They said that the pitied me since I was such a loner. The rumors hurt me confidence a lot.

I tried my hardest to clear up misunderstandings. I talked to other guys, and came up with stories about my real family in class. I even became for sociable so that I wouldn't be "pitied." It was a lot of work on my part, but I never gave up. I would not have cared if the rumors only affected me, but I never want my friends to be misunderstood.

Kota and William started to pick up on what I was doing, and they did not like it.

William pulled me aside in the hallway, and Kota looked at me like I was broken. They told me that they did not want me to work so hard for their sake. They said it was a guy's job to protect the girl. They really weren't helping the situation, but when I told them that, they said that they did not want to. Most of the rumors were true. They both liked me, and knowing me, they thought they probably would not get the answer. Other rumors were twisted. They were leading me on as a friend, so they would not lose me. They were lonely for a long time, and I made them feel accepted.

They were spot on. I could not choose between them when they confessed. I never thought about them that way. I asked why they liked me, and they replied with the answer of "Autumn." I was so confused, but then they told me that Skylar secretly liked me too. They just knew that he didn't have a chance.

It took me forever to get them to tell me what they meant by Autumn, and when they told me, I did not believe them. They said that Kota was the spirit of Winter, William was the spirit of Spring, Skylar was the spirit of Summer, and I was the spirit of Autumn. They said that Summer is usually born as a girl so that the two male seasons had a spouse, but something was wrong. There were three boys and one girl this generation, so they all had to fight to see who would marry me.

I asked what would happen if I didn't want to marry them, but they told me that was impossible. They were born with amazing looks and great intellect so that any girl would fall for them. They were even given different personalities so at least one of them was likable. It was as if they were test subjects. They were practically designed to win my love.

I was really flattered to be liked by such amazing people, but I really just did not feel that way about any of them. I tried to tell them to move on, but they said it was impossible. They were born to be with me, so they would not truly like anyone else. That was why Skylar kept dating all of those girls. He never found one that was enough for him!

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