~| Chapter 1 |~

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Hey, everyone! Just putting this here quick so everyone knows who's who!

Mom=Ms. Dearest
Dad=Mr. Dearest

Word Count: 1324

With a tired groan and a slur of murmured words, an orange haired boy sat up in his bed. Giving his eyes a moment to adjust to the lighting, he simply looked around the dark room. The room was messy and old, having piles of dirty clothes in quite a few places and cigarette butts covering the nightstand. The curtains were most definitely dirty and a sliver of light was able to seep through.

The boy then tiredly got out of bed, heading to his kitchen. There was a sink full of dirty dishes and the counter was over just messy. The living room wasn't much better. Simply put, the place was quite a mess.

Arriving at the refrigerator, he opened it up to reveal it being empty.

"What a surprise." He mumbled with a roll of his eyes, closing the door and heading back to his room. He slipped on a green sweater and khakis before making sure that he had a box of cigarettes, a lighter and his Uzi tucked into his pockets. Then, he headed outside and took the box and lighter out, setting a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it before dropping the items in his pocket. He began to make his way down the few stairs between the ground level and his apartment.

Taking a puff of the cigarette every now and then was like a relaxing breath that calmed him. The feeling never lasted too long, so he ended up going through packs on top of packs. He knew it was bad for him, but he really didn't care that much. Besides, there was much worse that could happen to him.

Soon, there was a buzz coming from his pocket, and he dug inside to grab his phone. Looking at the screen, he saw no caller ID. He decided to pick it up anyway.

"Yo, it's Pico." He said, continuing his walk down the street.

"Pico, you have a gig tomorrow night." The voice on the other line was very menacing, almost sounding quite enraged. "A new kid showed up, demolished me and those spooky kids. I need you to stop him."

"Am I gettin' paid?"

"Three hundred flat, if you agree. If you win, extra two hundred."

"Deal." He grinned, letting out a puff of smoke through his nose.

"Good. Tomorrow at eight, don't be late."

With that, the man on the other line hung up and left Pico to his thoughts. He was quite surprised at the offer and was confident in his own skills to beat this little dude. With that alone he'd make five hundred dollars. He also needed the cash, he was running quite low.


After a bit of walking, he arrived at a café and headed inside, going to the counter to order. He was looking at the menu to order before being bumped into by someone. He quickly turned around to see who it was with a slightly enraged glare.

The short boy had neon blue hair, that had to be professionally dyed, a red backwards cap with a blue bill, along with a white t-shirt with a red logo and blue ripped jeans. He looked up at Pico with a worried glance and all that he could muster was a scared "Beep!".

"Watch where ya goin', shorty." He growled under his breath, then saw a girl next to him.

The girl had long brunette hair that went to her lower back with a skin tight red dress that came just above her mid thigh. She looked at the neon blue boy before Pico, then she spoke.

"Sorry, he says the first thing that comes to mind when he's nervous." She told him, holding his hand for any amount of comfort.

"Yeah, sorry." He looked at him, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "I was looking at the menu and wasn't paying attention."

"It's fine." The ginger grumbled, turning to the cashier again to order. "Just a black coffee."

"Alright, your total is--"

The neon blue boy then pushed forwards with a grin, still holding the girls hand and practically dragged her along. He set his credit card on the counter in front of Pico.

"I'll pay for yours!" He said enthusiastically before looking up at the menu again. "And can we get two hot cocoas?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." The cashier said, tapping the screen before taking his card and completing the transaction. They then handed the card back to him with the receipt. "Here you go. Can I have a name for the order?"

"Keith!" He said proudly, taking the card and receipt. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

Pico just watched in silence, unsure of what to say. No one had ever done something like that for him, or simply apologized. He looked at the neon blue boy, who was apparently named Keith, and his girlfriend walk over to the waiting area. He fidgeted with the cigarette box in his pocket as he headed over to wait for his coffee. He stood somewhat near them, but just far enough for people to know that they didn't know each other.

"So, thanks. I guess." He told him with an awkward shrug, opening and closing the cigarette box.

"No problem. It's just a sorry for earlier so don't think much of it!" He smiled at him as he swung the red girls arm.

"Oh!" She gasped, looking to the ginger. "This is Keith as you probably heard. My name is Cherry. Nice to meet you."

Her voice seemed quite polite and sweet. On the other hand, Keith was just a big ball of energy and good intentions. It was quite obvious just from the small interaction Pico had with him.

"Name's Pico." He said simply, looking at the shorter boy who was holding his hand out. The ginger stood there awkwardly before their names had gotten called for their beverages.

Pico took his, thankful that they came in time. When he turned to leave, he heard the blue boys voice calling him.

"Wait, Pico! Do you want to sit with us?"


"Aw.." He sighed, going back over to Cherry. "You're sure?"

"Yes." He opened the café door and headed out, back on the street.

As soon as he stepped foot outside, it was like he could feel himself breathe again. Maybe he wasn't breathing while in the café. No, if he wasn't he'd definitely be dead way before now.

Something just felt off to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it no matter how hard he thought about it.

He took a sip of the coffee, but ended up being so lost in thought that he didn't realize how hot the coffee was still. As soon as the hot liquid hit his tongue he removed the cup from his lips and forced a swallow while coughing and cursing.

"Shit." He let out one last cough before sighing. He needed to take his mind off a few things.


Continuing down the street back to his apartment, he went past the building he lives in and arrived at a run down railroad track. The sky was currently twilight, having purple, orange and blues mixed in with pinks. The clouds were starting to fade and the ginger walked along the tracks with his thoughts.

Something put him off about the neon blue boy, but he still couldn't pinpoint what it was.

He pulled out another cigarette and lit it, huffing as his mind raced.

Was it his hair? No, even if he had obnoxious neon blue hair it wouldn't upset Pico. Maybe his outfit? Couldn't be, he's seen so many people dressed similarly to that. His hat? The backwards cap was pretty annoying, maybe that was it.

Either way, he still had to get ready for the gig tomorrow.

The Annoying One ~|Bf x Pico|~Where stories live. Discover now