Chapter 1 : Hogwarts

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"Sirius!! Sirius look!!" I yell my twin brothers name, "what?" He asks clearly tired. "It's the letters from Hogwarts" This immediately makes his eyes widen and he grabs it from my hand and rushingly reads it. "What's the fuss about!?" My mother comes into the kitchen. "We've gotten our hogwarts letters" I excitedly squeal. My mothers emotion doesn't change "you two better make this family proud. You know what's best don't you?" She sternly says.

"Yea yea, become a Slytherin and be smart or whatever" Sirius grumbles and I just giggle at him. My mom hits his shoulder, hard making me flinch "I'm serious" She glares at us "No I am" Sirius mumbles while rubbing his shoulder. Our mom walks out of the kitchen clearly angry and disappointed, god I hate that prejudiced woman.

"You alright?" I ask Sirius while walking up the stairs to our room. "Yea... she's done worse. I can't wait to get out of here and go to Hogwarts" Sirius says. "Don't get me wrong Sirius, we've been waiting for this day for forever but what if it's not as great as it seems... Slytherins are known to be mean" I wonder out loud "Hey don't worry about that. Just because our whole family is Slytherin doesn't mean we are to. Plus even if we are we'll still have eachother" he wraps his arm around me.

I nod my head and smile. I still felt queasy though. Just because Sirius and I are twins doesn't mean we'd get sorted into the same house either. If we got separated I don't know what I'd do. He's literally my other half. We are quite different yet the same. I guess it's just a twin thing.


"That's everything"

I look around mine and Sirius's empty room. There were a few things up like some posters and a few small things but mostly everything has been packed away into our suitcases. "I'm not sad at all to leave this place" Sirius smiles widely. "Your making it seem like we don't have to come back here in the summer"

He just ignores me. "Goodbye magical motorcycle posters I'll miss you" He touch's his poster. "You are so weird" I roll my eyes "C'mon Sirius, let's go" I grab my suitcase and so does he.


Our mom gave Sirius and I the biggest lecture of our lives before we boarded the hogwarts express. Sirius seemed pretty spaced out and I was to. All I really heard was Mudblood, Slytherin,pride, grades, and Dumbledore. After she finished we immediately boarded the train and went into the nearest compartment. There was already 3 boys sitting in it "Do you mind if we sit here" I ask politely, before they could answer Sirius says "Mmmm maybe we could find another compartment"

He probably didn't want to be in a compartment with me being the only girl in it. "Ignore him" I huff "Sure you can sit here" A boy with curly black hair says. Sirius reluctantly sits beside him and I sit next to a boy who has a few scars on his face. Next to him was a blond boy with a chubby figure. "I'm Y/n Black" I introduce myself "And he's my twin brother Sirius"

"I'm James" The boy beside Sirius said "My names Remus" The one with the scars added on "I'm Peter" The chubby boy stutters. Little did we know, we'd be best friends for life.

We talked the rest of the train ride, and it turned out that the rest of them had also just met. We also talked about which houses we wanted to be in, they all said Gryffindor which was the exact house our mother told us to avoid. Sirius gave me that 'what should we do' look I just shrug. "So?" James interrupts my thoughts "Are you both twins?"

"Yup" Sirius answers "Most people can't tell cause we don't really look alike(if you do just ignore this)" "well I could tell from the way you both smile it's exactly the same" James points out. "I guess we do" I look at Sirius's smile, "Yours is a bit cuter though" James compliments, which earns a hit on the forehead from Sirius "My smile is much cuter" Sirius pouts, Remus nods his head. "Hey!!" I nudge Remus

We all laugh, I can't wait for this year.


"THERE IT IS!!" Peter yells pointing his finger to something in the window. I peak outside and see a huge castle "Woah" was all I got out of my mouth. It was beautiful. I sit back into my seat seeing Hogwarts just made me more excited.

The train eventually came to a stop, we all rushed out of our compartment which probably wasn't a good idea since the hallway was very very crowded. Sirius took ahold of my hand so I wouldn't get lost. We all push through the crowd and leave the train. "Next year let's wait a little before leaving the compartment" Remus suggests and we all nod our head. "First years over here!!" I heard this huge guy yell. I tap the boys and tell them to go this way. When we go there we got assigned to sit in a boat. Which I hated.

"Sorry sis" Sirius puts his hand on my shoulder comfortably before boarding the small boat sitting beside Remus and Peter. "Fear of boats" James asks coming up from behind me "Well.... it's more like the sick feeling" I explain. He thinks for a second before stepping onto the boat, "here hold my hand" he reaches his hand out. I grab onto it and he pulls me into the boat "see not so bad" James smiles "This isn't even close to the worst part" I groan.

"James you probably wont want to sit next to her, I'll do it and take one for the team. You are welcome" Sirius acts like it was a very hard and honouring task to do. "I don't mind, my mum has a fear of boats and I see my dad comfort her all the time" James says. Sirius blankly blinks at him "Dude move, I'm not letting you comfort my sister when you just met her" James just laughs "Alright" He switches sits with Sirius.

When they moved it made he boat incredibly wobbly making me feel worse. This was going to be a long boat ride.


Sirius swears it was only 5 minutes but it felt more like 5 hours. Luckily it was over and I didn't vomit. We got inside the hogwarts castle where this teacher named Professor McGonagall told us what we'd be doing. We entered the great hall and I see the hat on the chair. It looked old and ragged but I knew what it could do. I felt nervous, this was it. The moment I know if I would make my mom proud or disappointed. Sirius held my hand probably knowing how I feel.

The hat sang us all a song then Dumbledore said that Professor McGonagall would call out names and we'd sit in the chair one by one.

"Marlene McKinnon"

"Severus Snape"

" Karina Crosland"

A bunch of other kids went but I hadn't a clue who they were. Finally I hear

"Y/n Black" I nervously like at all the boys who were sending we wide grins and thumbs up. I take a deep breath before walking up to the stage where a sat the hat on my head. "Mmm a Black, you're not much like the others though. Yes you are ambitious and sneaky yet there is a sense of bravery in you. Bravery that isn't in the rest of your family... better be GRYFFINDOR"

I was shocked, I couldn't move out of my seat "Miss black" McGonagall taps my shoulder, "sorry" I mumble before I walk off the stage. I look at Sirius who was smiling proudly. I smile back. The happiness was short cause I can only imagine how my mom will react. I don't know if we can even live in her household. I push the thought away before sitting down in an empty table waiting for the rest of the sorting.

Thankfully everyone else got sorted into gryffindor. I'm glad to already have friends in my house. The food appeared after the sorting, I couldn't even describe how delicious it was. Probably the best food I've ever eaten. The rest off the boys must have thought so to because they devoured everything near us. "Oh my goodness, I'm stuffed" I lean against Sirius holding my stomach "I could go for 4ths" Sirius jokingly says. Our prefect came to lead us back to the common room.

He told us the password then showed us the way. When we got there, there was a painting of a lady, she was singing terribly. The prefect says the password and we all enter "Girls on the left boys on the right" He commands. I wave goodbye to all the boys before heading to my dorm. I entered to see a really pretty girl with red hair. "Hi I'm Lily Evans" She smiles kindly "And I'm Marlene" Another girl pops her head out of the bathroom. "Alice" I hear behind me. "I'm y/n, nice to meet you all"

First chapter!!!! Hope you guys like it!!

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