The Boy With the Black Hair

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Hello everyone! So I wrote this at 12:00 ish but hopefully, it's the start to a few good one-shots of Ty and Kit. I'll try to update when I can but, life can get busy as I'm sure you all know. Feel free to comment ideas and I'll do my best to write them. Also, any comments, in general, are overly appreciated as human interaction is sparse. Enjoy💖✨

Kit looked up from his book.  It was one that Tessa had lent him, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.  He wasn't an avid reader but Tessa had been helping him to ease into it.  Not that any work of Dickens was exactly "easing into it".  A knock came at the door of his bedroom again.

"Yes, Mimi, what is it?" He said gently as his little sister stood expectantly at the entrance to his room.  He enjoyed having a sister.  When he was staying at the Los Angeles institute he saw the bonds that the Blackthorns had with each other.  Growing up it had only ever been him and his dad.  Seeing Tavvy and Dru, Jules and Ty.  Ty.  No, he couldn't be thinking about this right now.  Pushing the thought of Ty to the side of his mind he closed his book and inserted a bookmark.

"I can't sleep."  She said, rubbing her eyes with exhaustion.  Kit looked to the alarm clock at his desk.  1:00 am.

"What are you still doing up Mina, it's so early."  She had her blanket in her hands.  "Come here," he said, moving over to make room for his sister.  He was a big brother now and though it could be tiresome at times, he wouldn't trade it for the world.  The way she looked at him when he would train with Jem or tell a story of how he fought off demons, it was like he was the bravest person in the world.  Like he could do anything.

"What's wrong?  I thought you went to bed hours ago."  She climbed in beside him and he put his arm over her shoulder protectively.

"I had a bad dream," she said softly.  "There were demons and you were there with Ma but then Ma wasn't there and you couldn't fight them off and-"  She was sobbing he realized.  He scooped her up and hugged her.

"Hey, hey," he said, turning to look at her.  "I'm right here okay.  And I'm not going anywhere.  There are no demons, see," he took out his witchlight rune stone and the room lit up, not a demon in sight.  "No one's gonna hurt you and no one's gonna hurt me or Tessa or Jem."  Kit still wasn't entirely used to calling them Mom and Dad.  To him, his Dad would always be the man who had raised him, even if Jem was more or less like his father now.  They didn't seem to mind though.  They actually seemed happy, to have him there.  He was part of a family.  This was his family.

Minas' crying slowed and eventually, she fell asleep against Kits shoulder.  Kit put away his witchlight but didn't shrug her off.  Sometimes this was what being an older brother was all about.  An older brother like Ty was to Tavvy.  Ty.  There was the thought again.  It had been six months since he had turned away from the Blackthorns without looking back.  Since he had turned away from Ty. 

He wasn't entirely sure why he had.  He only knew that it was the choice he made and now he had to live with it and without Ty.

But his family was here.  His sister and Jem and Tessa.  Would they still have taken him in if he wasn't a Herondale, a descendant of Will's bloodline?  He could only hope so.  Regardless he was happy here.  But there was still an ache in his heart.  An ache where Ty should be he reminded himself. 

He wondered what the dark haired Blackthorn boy that had stolen a piece of his heart was doing now.  Did he ever think of Kit?  Or an even more terrifying thought, did he have a boyfriend?  The thought of Ty being so close to someone else made Kit's cheeks flush with jealousy and anger and longing all at the same time.  If he was, would it be so horrible?  Kit wanted Ty to be happy, of course.  But Kit also wanted Ty to be happy with him.

Mina stirred against his shoulder where she was still fast asleep.  Ty was a problem for another day.  For tonight, Kit would close his eyes and rest, happy with the life he had found for himself and yet still longing for the Blackthorn boy who was too far for comfort but too close at heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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