Chapter 10

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The next morning was a normal routine. Jake, Dean, Timmy, and Eunchan stopped by and for some reason ate some breakfast at the Kwan Mansion (even though Jake already ate breakfast at his own house and just wanted to eat more) and then Dara left with them to head to school.

Dara skipped final period and left school early without telling anyone. He wandered aimlessly around for a bit but stopped when he saw a familiar gray haired individual on a school's campus. Dara read the school's name on the gates: Eunjang High School.

'Is it actually Gray?' Hope rose in Dara's chest. 'Does Gray actually go to such a school? Wouldn't he have gotten into a better school like Yeo-Il?'

Dara hated the feeling of hope in his chest. It would only cause more disappointment if he had mistaken someone for Gray. Still, he chased after the person he hoped was Gray Yeon. When he caught up, he witnessed Gray headbutt some Yoosun lackey's jaw and knocked him out.

'That's the Yoosun uniform. I know that Yoosun doesn't get along with Eunjang. Is this a gang fight?' Dara thought as he followed after Gray and some black haired kid with glasses who was with him. 'Who's that guy? He doesn't look like he's friends with Gray,' "Gray?"

The angry teen turned around and his expression softened when he caught sight of his friend. "Dara?"

"It is you!" Dara beamed. "I'd ask you how you're doing, but you seem busy,"

"Some fuckers stole my bag," Gray answered. 

Dara's expression darkened. 'Someone's bullying my friend? I won't stand by and let it happen. I won't ask Gray to endure it. I had asked Stephen to endure the bullying until my Mom and Dad could deal with the school admin, but he ended up getting hurt because of me,' "Want some help?"

"Did some hero make his entrance or something?" Jimmy caught sight of Gray first when he came into view. "Wow, that was really impressive. Who are ya? Is this your bag? You really look nothing like I imagined,"

"Jimmy Bae," Ben said. "I thought you came here for me. Why don't you focus on that?"

"No can do," Jimmy said. "This fucker's―"

Dara didn't wait for Jimmy to finish his sentence and lunged forward. He grabbed the strap of Gray's bag and pulled Jimmy forward to mess with his balance and punched him in the throat. 

"Jimmy!" Jack cried out.

"You...fucker!" Jimmy rasped, rubbing his throat. "I'm gonna kill you and everyone else here!"

It was Dara Na VS Jimmy Bae while everyone else dealt with the Yoosun goons. Dara channeled his rage and his pain into his attacks. Many of them landed, but there were some that Jimmy managed to dodge. Jimmy also landed a few hits, but Dara dodged most of them, frustrating the Yoosun school head.

'Who the hell is this guy!?' Jimmy gritted his teeth. 'Why am I actually struggling against a no name like him!?'

Dara distracted Jimmy with a punch from his left to draw attention from his right hand grabbing the front of Jimmy's shirt and pulling him down to knee him in the face. He twisted Jimmy's right arm and pinned him to the ground with his knee pressed against Jimmy's back.

"ARGH!" Jimmy hissed when Dara applied more pressure on his arm.

"Gray, should I break this fucker's arms so he can't bully you anymore?" Dara asked. "Maybe I'll break his legs too? I shouldn't risk him retaliating, right?"

Gray had been startled but the ruthless question and didn't answer immediately. He finally spoke up and said, "I think knocking him out is enough," 

"Fine, fine," Dara smirked. "You're lucky that my friend is lenient," Dara bashed Jimmy's head to the ground multiple times until he was sure that Jimmy Bae was unconscious. 

Yoosun High School had lost. Jack grabbed Jimmy and the rest of Yoosun left Eunjang.

"Gray, you alright?"

"Yeah," Gray nodded. "But what about you?"

"I'm fine," Dara stood up but winced. 'My whole body hurts. Did I overdo it? Maybe it's because I'm not used to fighting,' He fell to his knees. "Shit..."

"Dara!" Gray knelt down by his best friend's side. "Should I call an ambulance?"

"I'm fine," Dara reassured him. "I just need to rest. You up for Takkan?"

"Sure," Gray smiled, glad to finally have been reunited with one of his friends.

"Umm, who are you?" Eugene meekly asked. "I don't think you go to our school,"

"I'm Dara N―" 'No, I'm not really a Na. I'm not Donald's brother,' "Just Dara,"

Gray noticed Dara's change in tone, even if it was slightly. 'Did something happen between him and his brother?'

"It feels a bit too iffy to indulge in today's victory," Ben said. "Ain't that right, Gogo?"

"All depends on how Jimmy Bae and the rest of Yoosun decide to react to this," Alex told him. "Hey Dara, he might go after you when you're alone,"

Dara glared at the rest of the Eunjang students. "I don't need your concern,"

"Chill man, we're on the same side," Gerard said. "We all fought against Yoosun,"

"I fought against Yoosun because those bastards threatened my friend!" Dara claimed. "The side I'm on is Gray Bear's side, not yours," He pulled Gray away from them to head to the arcade.


"Dara," Gray asked as they played a round of Takkan. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I made a full recovery," Dara nodded, intensely focused on the game. 'Some things never change. He's still better at me at Takkan,' 

"That's not what I mean," Gray did a combination of four Electric Wind God Fists and defeated Dara. "You seemed hostile, or at least cautious, of the other guys,"

"Can you blame me?" Dara's smile shrank a bit. "The last person you and Stephen trusted was Bryce Oh and that bitch betrayed us," 'I don't want you trusting the wrong person ever again. I don't want you to get hurt ever again,'

"They don't seem like bad people," Gray recalled how they had fought together at the underpass the other day. 

Dara tightened his grip on the joystick. "I won't stop you from befriending them if you want to. It'd be hypocritical of me since I also made friends at Daehyeon. But if they ever hurt you...I'll make them pay,"

Dara doesn't immediately trust the Eunjang, which is understandable since he's cautious of new people.

Updated List of Dara's Possible Twin:

Myles Joo

Seongmok Do (Buff Guy from Mokha Duo)

Jake Ji

Alex Go

Naksung Yoon

Dean Kwan

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