Chapter 7

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After school, Dara felt four people stalking him. He shook his head and sighed. 'Jake is really determined to make me his friend. He's different from Kenny because at least Kenny respects boundaries. I don't like getting close to people,' After a couple minutes of walking, Dara finally asked, "How long are you guys going to follow me?"

"We're not following you," Jake claimed. "We just live in the same direction," It wasn't exactly a lie since he and Kenny did live in the direction Dara was currently walking in.

"Whatever," Dara continued walking.

"Oh hey, isn't there a mansion in this neighborhood?" Eunchan asked. "I wonder what kind of people live there,"

"I wonder what jobs they have that earn them so much money," Timothy also wondered out loud.

"My brother and I live there with my brother's boyfriend and my brother's boyfriend's parents," Dara answered. "His parents are our surrogate parents,"

(Donald and Kingsley sneezed in unison. "Is Dara saying that the two of us are dating again?")

"Are they nice people?" Jake asked. 

"Depends on the situation," Dara's lips curled into a malicious smirk. "Want to meet my family? I'm sure they'll scare you away so you stop trying to make me your friend,"

"I'm not afraid of anything," Jake bragged. "I'm sure whoever they are, they can't scare me,"

"Oh really?" For some reason, Dara's evil expression seemed vaguely familiar to the group of friends. "Then why don't you come over for dinner? My family is out at the moment so you'll have to wait a few hours until dinnertime," 'I just have to put up with them for a few hours and then I'll have Donald scare them away so they'll never bother me again,'


"You weren't kidding," Dara's classmates stared at the gates of the mansion. "You and your family actually do live in this mansion,"

"Well, yeah," Dara said. "By the way, you wondered what my parents' jobs were, right? They're on the city council. My parents also have relatives that are fashion designers, actors, and models," He led them through the gates and through the front door where they were greeted by a butler.

"Hello Young Master Dara," The butler addressed. His face perked up when he saw the people who were with him. "Young Master Dara, have you finally gotten new friends? And on the first day of school no less!"

"They're not friends, Reginald," Dara denied. "They're pests that won't stop following me. I'm waiting for my brother to get home so he can scare them away,"

"Oh...right," The butler sweat-dropped. "Your brother does intimidate people and if he finds out they're bothering you, I'm sure he'll make sure they never go near you again,"

"They'll be staying for dinner," Dara added. "I'm gonna go and exercise in the gym," 

"Be careful to not overdo it," Reginald warned. "Do any of your friends have allergies?"

"They're not friends," Dara repeated. "And if they have allergies, just let them suffer,"

"No allergies here," Jake answered.

The four followed Dara to the home gym. He began to do some warmups and Jake and his friends decided to join in whatever exercise Dara was going to do. After finishing up his warmups, Dara decided to do run some laps around the gym. When he saw that his classmates were keeping up with him, he increased his speed. Eventually, it somehow turned into a full-blown race but Jake had more stamina and Dara exhausted faster.

"I'm surprised...that you kept up with me..." Dara panted. "We're still not friends though,"

"Hey Dara, why do you train so hard anyway?" Eunchan asked.

"I don't ever want to be weak," Dara said, thinking about how he had failed to get to Stephen in time. He also thought back to his childhood and how Donald would always protect him from their biological parents' abuse. "If anyone causes trouble and picks a fight with me, I want my victory to be certain,"

"Did someone close to you get hurt?" Jake asked, recognizing the desire to protect in Dara's eyes. Jake also had that same desire to get stronger for his brother and his friends.

"That's none of your business," Dara answered coldly. 

After resting for a couple minutes, Dara resumed exercising. Jake and Dean were quick to catch up to him easily. Eunchan was a bit slowed down and Timothy was still resting and out of breath. It infuriated Dara at how weak he was at the moment. If he fought Jake or Dean in his current condition, he would lose. He needed to become stronger to surpass everyone.

If he was the strongest, nobody would dare to harm him, his family, or his friends. People were already too afraid to go after Donald and Kingsley, but Dara wanted his own strength. He didn't want to constantly rely on those two's reputation. He didn't want to constantly be in their shadows.

Once they were finished, they were all sweaty and exhausted. Reginald entered the gym with fresh clothes and towels for everyone. "Once you've all finished washing up, come to the dining room for dinner,"

Reginald led Dara's classmates to the showers while Dara used his own private bathroom to take a shower. Once everyone was done, they headed over to the dining room where Mom Kwan and Dad Kwan already were. 

"Oh, Dara," Mom asked. "Who are these? Did you make new friends?"

"Yes!" Jake answered before Dara could. "Hello ma'am, hello sir. I'm Jake Ji and these are my friends, Dean Kwan, Timothy Park, and Eunchan Hong. We go to school with Dara,"

"They're not my friends," Dara corrected. "They just followed me home from school. I want my brother to scare them away,"

"Dara, you don't have to limit your friends to only Stephen and Gray,"  Dad Kwan said. "You can have other friends too,"

"I don't need other friends!" Dara snapped. "I...sorry. I didn't mean to yell. Sorry Dad,"

"So..." Eunchan asked, changing the subject to something he was very confused about. "Why's there a plate with raw meat and a plate with a bunch of vegetables and pellets?"

"Those are for my brother's pet and my brother-in-law's pet," Dara informed. "They like to eat with the family too. The four of them will be home soon from the vet,"

The door opened and a pair of footsteps trailed into the dining room. "Sorry we're a bit late. Jawbreaker and Donald Jr. were being stubborn,"

Donald Na entered with a large continental bunny in his arms and Kingsley Kwan entered with a Komodo dragon in his own arms. The two teens set their pets down at their designated places and then sat down at their usual seats. It was then that Donald and Kingsley noticed the other Union members.

Will Donald make Jake, Dean, Timmy, and Eunchan leave Dara alone?

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