-Slipping Through My Fingers-

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a:n/: i recommend you listen to Slipping Through My Fingers for this one

The time that we had dreaded so much came at last. We were all about to fight Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters. I was scared, but I had Fred with me.

"It's time." I said as George, Fred, and I watched the blue bubble being destroyed. "I'll give you two a moment. I need to go talk to someone."

They nodded and I walked off to find Arthur, or the closest Weasley for that matter. I spotted Arthur standing with Kingsley.

"Mr. Weasley, may I talk to you?" I asked.

"Yes, yes of course. And you can call me Arthur, y/n." he said and we moved away from where anyone could hear us. "What is it?"

"Arthur, if anything happens to me-"

"y/n no no don't say that."

"No, listen. If something happens...to me. I need you to make sure Fred gets better. I need you to make sure he carries on well." I said as tears formed in my eyes. "Promise me, Arthur."

"I promise." he said. "Stay safe kids."

"You too."

Fred's pov

"You okay, Freddie?" asked George.


"Me too." he said and elbowed me slightly to make me smile.

I offered him a weak smile but I was scared. I didn't want to lose anyone. I didn't want to lose George, or y/n, or mum, or dad, or anyone. I didn't want to die either.

"George?" I said.


"If something happens..."


"If something happens, please make sure that y/n moves on in the best way possible. Make sure she finds someone that takes care of her. And make sure you do too..." I said with tears in my eyes, just like George. "Promise me."

"I promise. And I promise that nothing's gonna happen to you." he said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I promise too."

Reader's pov

"Come on. They're attacking." I said as I went back to the twins.

Soon, Death Eaters were attacking from everywhere. Kingsley sent a Death Eater flying back when he tried to attack from behind. Arthur was fighting off one with ease. I saw Tonks fighting off two so I helped her out.

"Thank you." she said as we were fighting them.

I simply nodded, too worried to talk. I managed to stun the Death Eater and knock him out. Tonks managed to do the same.

"You're welcome." I said.

I made my way back to the twins and bumped into Percy. He asked for someone to stay with him.

"I'll stay." said Fred.

"What?" I asked. "No, no you go with George. I'll stay."

"No." he said. "Go with George."

"But Fred-"

"Please..." he said. I looked at him hesitantly and surrendered.


"I love you, y/n. I love you and I always have, always will."

"I love you too, Fred. Be safe. Promise me."

"I promise." he said.

He placed a quick but loving kiss on my lips and then hugged me tightly. George and I went off while Fred and Percy stayed on the seventh floor.

"He'll be okay, right?" I asked George as we hid behind a wall.

"Of course he will, y/n."

"Stupefy!" I shouted as I stunned a Death Eater who tried attacking George from behind.

Suddenly, I felt my whole body begin to ache. I fell to my knees and clutched onto my stomach. I had never experienced it, but I bet this was the Cruciatus Curse. It felt like my insides were being ripped apart and like my bones were being twisted.

"Levicorpus!" shouted George causing the Death Eater to fly back. "y/n! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. "I'm fine just...give me a moment."

He nodded and I breathed in and out deeply, trying to get myself together. I thought of Fred and I stood up with everything in me.

"y/n! George! Seventh floor needs help let's go!" said Kingsley.

"I'll stay here to help mum. Go!" said George.

I nodded and made my way towards Kingsley. Quickly we made our way up, shooting spells in all sorts of directions. When we arrived at the seventh floor, we saw Percy and Fred laughing. I spotted someone, a Death Eater, with his wand pointed up at the ceiling and muttering something. The next moment felt as if it was happening in slow motion. The ceiling began to fall and crumble over a laughing Fred. The next thing I did was right. I apparated to where Fred was and pushed him out of the way. He looked back at me as he fell and then up at the wall. I smiled at him with tears in my eyes and then everything went black. He was slipping through my fingers, and I wasn't gonna allow that.

Narrator pov

"NO!" shouted Fred as he tried to move the pieces of wall. "No no no y/n."

The vision in his eyes had began to blurt from the tears that were now streaming down his face. Percy tried to pull him away but he refused. He was determined to move the rubble off of your body, in hopes you were still alive. But you slipped through his fingers.

- - - - -

Hermione, Ron, and Harry walked into the great hall and the feeling of gloom and sorrow greeted them. They walked and walked until Ron spotted the Weasley's. His stomach turned. He was scared that one of his family members was gone, but he was shocked when he walked closer and spotted your body lying on the floor with Fred on his knees crying out for you. Hermione's hands went up to her mouth as she began to cry. Molly was kneeling besides Fred, holding him as he cried. George was standing with tears rolling down his cheeks in disbelief at the loss of his best friend. Arthur was comforting George. Ginny and Hermione embraced in a hug as both of them sobbed at the loss of who they saw as an older sister. The happiness in them was slipping through their fingers.

Word Count: 1032
a/n: this is NOT a spoiler or a foreshadowing for my other book btw 😭

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