"Oh, well... I..." I stumbled over my words as my thoughts fought with each other, but one thing was clear. I didn't want to be in the same space as them. "I have slight indigestion, so I think I'll take the stairs to relieve it." I made up a lame excuse, which drove Haknyeon into more confusion.

"Then it's all the more a reason to take the lift, isn't it?" He implied, moving to the side to make way for me, "Get on."

"My room is on the third floor anyway, I'll just walk up," I insisted further, and by now I think my intentions were clearly written all over my face as the both of them stared at me ridiculously.

"You don't need to feel uncomfortable around us, just come in," Haknyeon assured, gesturing for me to enter, but I continued to refuse strongly. "No, it's okay-"

"Gosh, do you want to get in or not?" Donghyuck cried out, startling the both of us and some passersby. When neither of us replied, he rolled his eyes and sighed, "Don't waste our time if you're just gonna stand there."

He stepped past Haknyeon and pressed a button on the wall, causing the doors to close before I could process what happened. And when I did, I couldn't help but let out a scoff. "Fine, this is what I wanted anyway."

I stormed off to the stairwell and begin my way up the stairs, flashbacks of this morning's workout replaying in my mind with each step.


I lied on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above. It had already been half an hour since I came up, but my roommates were still nowhere to be seen. Not that I'm complaining though, but the lonely silence can be torturing at times.

I eventually sat up on my bed after countless attempts of trying to fall asleep, but there were too many worries bugging me that my mind can't seem to be at ease for a second. I need a distraction.

Just then, Haknyeon's offer came tumbling into my head again as if waiting for the right time to reintroduce itself, and I took it without hesitation.

Grabbing my phone, I trudged my way up to the rooftop, which was only accessible through the staircase. I pushed open the metal door clumsily, being met by a cool, night breeze that engulfed my whole body. I looked around for the two beings whom I was supposed to meet here, but they were nowhere in sight. Huh, I guess they've already left. More time for me then.

I made my way towards one of the walls, peering over it as the buildings below decorated the view in front of me with their lights. Yes, this was one of the things I missed about Seoul; the amazing view no matter which part of it you were at. I remember standing at the balcony every night, letting the sparkly city lights and calm wind relieve any stress I had, and I would go to sleep with a clear mind. Wonder if it'll work tonight.

"I knew you'd come." A voice behind me made me spin around in shock, my back instantly glueing itself to the wall behind me. I don't know how I looked at that time, but it was probably horrifying enough for him to let out a scoff. "You look like you saw a murderer. Don't worry, I'm not one."

"Didn't you leave already?" I managed out, still frightened by his sudden appearance. Donghyuck nodded his head to his right before replying, "We're over there."

When I was sure he wasn't an illusion, I rooted my feet to the ground and cleared my throat. "Then you can go back, I don't want your company." I shifted my gaze to the water towers nearby to further show my stance, but his next sentence threw me off guard.

"But we want yours."

With that said, he disappeared behind the towers, causing me to peep out and watch him stroll to another boy seated with his back facing me. I'm guessing that was Haknyeon. Sheesh, whatever I was gonna do, I'm doing it for him and not Donghyuck.

by the sidelines • haechanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora