Old friend

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                                 YOUR POV
As we were in the elevator to Nick Fury's office Natasha finally spoke. "Have you been here before?" She asked turning to look at me. I figured I didn't need to lie because what was the point in that. "Yes actually. I've been here about 4 times but a lot has changed." I responded looking down at my feet as a nervous habit I picked up to seem more humane. Ms. Romanoff seemed sorta surprised at my answer. I'm guessing Nick didn't give her the whole run down of my history. As the elevator dinged Natasha was the first one and and lead the way towards Fury's office. On our way we bumped into another agent I'm guessing because Natasha greeted her and the agent greeted her back and walked with us to Fury's office. "Hi, I'm Y/N Stevens." I said to the unfamiliar agent who had beautiful brown eyes and brunette hair. The brunette smiled and replied, "I know who you are, I'm Maria Hill." She reached out her hand for me to take which I did but I could tell she was a little uncomfortable but also seemed to check me out at the same time. Natasha had cleared her throat because it seemed to get awkward really fast and the three of us continued to Fury's office. Once we got there Ms. Romanoff knocked twice on Fury's office and waited for him to reply with a, "Come on in" as she opened the door to see the man sitting at his desk. He seemed shocked to see me so soon even though he's the one who sent Agent Romanoff to come get me. "Well hello to you too old friend" I said with a smile. He paused for a moment before finally speaking, "I didn't think it would be so easy for agent Romanoff to retrieve you but I guess you never stopped surprising me." He stated. "Well I kinda got tired of being boring so here I am." I sat down in one of his chairs and smiled at him and winked. "Is this all sir? Am I free to go?" Agent Romanoff asked with slight annoyance in her voice which caught my attention. Agent Hill also seemed to shift uncomfortably by the door. "Actually no I would like you to stay and hear this in case things get outta control..." he mumbled that last part but I heard him loud and clear and rolled my eyes and scoffed at him. Agent Romanoff and Agent Hill shared glances at eachother and seemed a little thrown off by his remark. "Come on Nick don't tell me you're still upset about last time?" I chuckled as I finished. "Well being thrown into a wall isn't as fun as it sounds." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Romanoff tried to stifle a laugh and Hill glared at her and continued to listen to what Fury had to say. "What am I here for Nick? You know I've been out of the game for decades now." I asked fidgeting with my fingers. He definitely picked up on the fidgeting because I was never someone who was nervous or showed many emotions at all but I had picked up these bad habits to keep me as humane as possible. "I want you to join this team I've put together" he stated calmly looking towards Agent Romanoff. She seemed to be a little taken back by what he just said but her thoughts because very loud and so did Agent Hills. "Sir why didn't you tell me about this before?" She blurted out as soon as she took in the information. "Because I'm not required too Agent." He responded with annoyance. But before Romanoff could respond back to him I asked, "And what if I politely decline like the last 2 times?" I said with a snarky smile. "You won't because if you didn't want to join you wouldn't be here right now" he said with arrogance in his voice. He had a point though you have already made up your mind and just wanted to play with him to see what he'd do. As much as you wanted to not be a hero it bothered you that you could actually help people but chose not too. Believe it or not though you were afraid of what you'd do to others. You'd gone off the rails 5 times in the 1,000 years you've been alive. Each one for about 5 years at a time. The worse time in your life was the 1930's you went on a rampage for 10 years. It was the worst and you remember everything from that time period. One of the bad things about being a vampire is that you remember everything and your nightmares will never let you forget. After a moment of silence you finally spoke up, "You're right I just don't know how helpful I'll actually be. You commented sorta laughing to yourself because you could hear Agent Romanoff's curiosity. "Great! Glad you finally did something right." He said sarcastically with a smile which I just glared at him for. "So when do I get to meet the team?" I asked curiously because I was already eager to start. "Right now. This is Agent Romanoff who is the Black Widow, she will take you to meet the rest of the team who consists of Bruce banner, Steven Rogers, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton and Tony Stark." He replied. "Stark?? I didn't know Stark had a kid..." I commented slightly raising my voice in shock. Agent Hill and Romanoff seemed shocked at my sudden out burst. "You knew Stark?" Hill asked. "Of course I knew Stark he was the reason I left this place and so was Peggy Carter." "They helped me leave with no evidence that I was ever alive" I responded. They all seemed to be in shock except for Fury of course because he knew that I left for a good reason and never looked back. "Well if you had stayed you would've met the great Tony Stark." He rolled his eyes after finishing that sentence. I'm guessing him and Stark weren't on the best terms. "I'm gonna act like I didn't just hear that so, can one of you lead the way to this so called 'team'". I raised my hands doing the air quotes because knowing Nick he wouldn't call for me unless he genuinely needed my help.
                             NATASHA'S POV
I was shocked when Fury said this random girl would be joining the Avengers. We had only been a team for 3 months and Fury already doubted us. But I guess he trusted me enough to give me all this information first because even Stark wasn't here. Y/n was very odd because she said she hasn't been here for decades but she didn't look over the age of 21. I was 26 myself but even then she seemed to be older than what she looked. She seemed to be as old as Steve because she mentioned knowing Starks Dad, Howard and also Peggy Carter who are both founders of S.H.E.I.L.D. As that long reunion of 15 minutes ended I was taking our new recruit to meet the rest of the team at Stark tower because that's where everyone lived because Tony is so generous. Definitely would've rolled my eyes if I had actually said that out loud. As we are making our way to the elevator with Hill trailing us Y/N let out a loud sigh and that seemed to be the only indication of distress this whole time. But I was too scared to say anything, for some reason she made me nervous and I'm not the nervous type for anyone.

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