Chapter 22 - The Pool

Start from the beginning

Brandon: „If I need help to jerk off... I know who to ask next time hehe"

Alex: „Brandon... the sex was so awesome..."

Brandon: „I know.. you made me so fucking horny with your kisses on my neck"

Alex: „I love you!"

Brandon: „Hahaha you're so drunk Alex. I love you too bestie. Let's go out of the water"

Alex: „Oh..yeah okay hahaha"

We get out of the water. We take on our underwear and go in house. I lay my arm on him and say:

Brandon: „Damnn my bestie and I really just had sex hahaha. I didn't expected of you to be THAT good at sex"

Alex: „Well.. I was fucking horny haha"

Brandon: „Let's drink some more Whiskey"


Was that...


Oh wow... they are still fucking...

Alex: „Uhh let's just go outside again"

Brandon: „Yeah a good idea"

We go outside and sit down on the roof of the pool.
I put my legs in the water and start drinking Whiskey.

POV Alex:

D-Did this really happened? Did I had sex... with my crush?? With Brandon??
I can't believe it... it was so hot.... oh god when he fucked me... his dick is so big....
oh fuck I think I have a boner... again...

Brandon: „Woah damn... you got a boner again haha"

Oh shit....

Brandon: „I guess it wasn't enough for you... right?"

He slowly touches my boner. Oh fuck that feels good.. he puts my dick out of the underwear and he starts sucking it...
oh shit...yes.... i-it feels so good.. I close my eyes and lay down on the ground while Brandon sucks my dick.. god yes...
i'm cumming... yes... I moan loudly.... god that was good.
I open my eyes and look up. Brandon licks all the cums... he's nasty... I like it..

Alex: „Oh fuck... thanks"

Brandon: „Your dick is so thick... it was delicious tho"

Alex: „Well if you wanna taste my dick again... just come to me and do it"

Brandon: „Hahaha I will.."

Bar: „Ugh.. what happened... Alex why is your dick out of your underwear..."


I put my dick in my underwear again... fuck she saw my dick....

Bar: „Wait... did you two..."

Brandon: „Sex? Yes. He's really good at it..very good.."

I'm blushing...

Bar: „Oh my god so you have feelings for him too Brandon?"


Brandon: „What.. No... and what do you mean about "too" ?"

Alex: „Brandon...."

Bar: „Oh shit.. I thought... Fuck I'm sorry"

She runs away back in the house. Of course she goes away.

Alex: „Brandon... I... I have feelings for you..."

Brandon: „Alex.... look.. I love you as an friend. You're the best roommate I've ever had but... I don't have feelings for you..."

Alex: „But what about the sex? I mean.. didn't you felt anything?"

Brandon: „It was just a game!.. Sorry I'll go to the Apartment..."

Alex: „Brandon wait.."

Brandon: „No it's fine. We'll see tomorrow"

No way.... did I lost him? Does he not wanna see me anymore?...

End of the chapter... uhm.... I will just leave it like that....

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