Chapter 4: Hiding in Plain Sight

Start from the beginning

"OW! What the?!"

    Make that someone. "AAAAH!" What was a man doing on your floor??! "Oh my god! Stay back!" You were scrambling to find some kind of weapon to whack him with until he caught your attention. "No! Please don't! This is the only thing I have!" Wait... it was... the driver? "Wh-what are you doing in our house? Why are you on the floor?!" He managed to get up and face you. "Your house? I should say what are you doing in my-" He paused.

     He slowly looked around the halls. And fear slowly spread across his face. "Oh dear god... This isn't my house." "Obviously. What are you doing here?" "I-I don't know! One minute I was done putting the last of the suitcases in your room, and the next it was lights out." So that's why everything looked like crap in your room! The poor man was exhausted from all the stuff your parents put him through.

      "Y/N? What's all this shrieking about?!" Oh no. It was the she-devil herself coming up the stairs! He frantically whispered to you, "You can't let her know! If either of them find out I'll be out of a job! You have to help me. I'll give you anything, anything at all!" Suddenly you remembered those three hobos and their $50 fee. This might be your only chance to get that money. And you sure as hell weren't gonna waste it!

   "I need $50." "Deal." "Oh! And a ride to someplace too." "Yes, fine, fine whatever! Just help me out here!" "Okay, hide in my room. Go!" You've never seen an old man run that fast before, and you don't think you ever will again. Just as he was out of sight, it seemed like your mother teleported out of thin air. "Ah! Mother! Um-" "What on Earth was that screaming about? You know what we've said about outbursts!"

   "I know, and I apologize. I..." What you needed to say was something justifiable, something that no one would judge you for.

"I thought I saw a bug." Nice going. "A bug..." She looked at you almost with disgust. "Yes, um, I think it was a large spider... You know how afraid of them I am. And who knows how long this place has been empty for..." Well, that lie was partly true. You weren't a huge fan of insects. There was a silence. And you were praying to "whoever was listening" that this would somehow work.

   "Sigh. I suppose you do lack a spine when it comes to those things. Whatever, I don't have the time to deal with this nonsense. Carry on with your day." You didn't know if she was too annoyed, or too tired to care. All you cared about was that it actually worked! You managed to lie to your mom for the first time! This small win gave you a sense of pride.

     She left you at once and descended down the long stairs. Once you made sure she was out of sight, you quickly made it to your room. You peeked inside as if the driver would disappear the moment you saw him. He whispered to you, "Is it safe?" You reassured him, "Coast should be clear." He sagged onto a box in relief. "Siiiiiiggh. I can't thank you enough. I can't afford to lose this job. An old man's gotta eat too you know." "It's no problem. I just hope you're able to pay the favor back... Right?"

    You felt a little guilty asking for the money then and there, but you didn't feel like facing a feral hobo that day. The old driver scratched the stubble on his face, "Yeah, I suppose so. When do you need it?" "Uh, like right now?" "Right now? I've worked like a dog all night, and you expect this bag of bones to work more?" You shushed him, "Listen I know it's a lot to ask but this is important to me. I need to pay back a favor. And I'm helping you keep your job."

    The driver looked from the carriage on the street below, to back at you. "Sigh. Alright. A favor's a favor. I know that much." You smiled. Maybe this day won't be as bad as you thought. "Perfect. Let's go." The driver stopped you, "Uh, I can't be seen by your parents remember?" "Right! That's- yeah. Okay. Do you know another way out of here then?"

    "Found a back door just for servants yesterday. Madame didn't want me to be seen by the guests." Of course she didn't. "Okay, I'll meet you out front then." "Sounds good to me."

    After making sure no other parents were around, the driver made his way to the back door. You were headed to the front, hoping that they wouldn't notice you. "Where do you think you're going?" Crud. You turned around to see your father with his newspaper in hand. "Uh-" You didn't think this far. Were you gonna have to lie again?

  To make things even better your mother joined the conversation. You blurted out something that you wouldn't say in a million years. "I was... planning to make up with my friends and hang out with them today? With your permission of course..." They both looked at you as if you told them that the poor deserved justice.
    Your mother asked you, "You want to go out there and make beneficial connections by yourself?" . "... Yes." There was another awkward pause. This was it then. You went too far. There is NO way they can possibly buy that-

"Well of course! Anything to change that socially inept attitude of yours!" your father erupted. You were dumbfounded. You managed to pull it off? You couldn't believe it!

    Your mother couldn't believe it either. Her child was finally listening to those lectures. It almost seemed to good to be true. "Yes dear. Go on, make those bonds that will last a lifetime."

     "Thank you... I'm gonna go now." They both nodded their heads at you, eagerly accepting this change. "Uh, bye."

      And with that, you shut the door behind you, and saw the driver waiting for you in the carriage. "Hop on kid I don't got all day." "Coming!" Before you got on, the driver asked, "Do you even know where we're going?" "I think so."

  It was simple. The place was by the alley you almost got murdered in.

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