Random Things To Keep In Your Purse 👜 💋

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- Your Car Keys 🔑
- A personal item
- Scarf 🧣
- Hand sanitizer
- Hair pins or scrunchies
- A Hair brush 💇🏾‍♀️
- Phone 📲
- A pack of tissues
- Pen and pencil
- A compact mirror🪞
- Facial wipes
- A notebook 📒
- Your Wallet
- Emergency money💵 - it's always important to keep your emergency money anywhere you go. You might need it someday.
- Lotion 🧴
- A book 📚- I always carry a book with me to read if I'm waiting in place for a long time. Besides, reading a book makes time go faster! (I like reading short stories like devotional or poems)
- Lip Balm or gloss💄 - I only wear lip balm or lip oil now because of my face mask. When I wear my mask over my lipgloss, it's just....bad okay?
- A makeup bag - If you want to slay your look anywhere. Go on ahead girl😘. (I carry mascara, mini eyeshadow pallet, facial moisturizer, and lipgloss)
- Face Mask 😷 - Ever left your house and forgot your face mask? Yeah, it's happened to me many times🤦🏾‍♀️😂
- Mint or Gum 
- Sunglasses 😎
- Mini feminine products of your choice like feminine wipes, pads, tampons and pantyliners🩸 - Because girl you NEVER know when Aunt Flo or Miss Ovula is going to show up🙄

(Also, keep an extra as well. For example, if your in the restroom and a girl needs one and you don't have an extra. That'll be terrible🥲😣)

Hey Pretties, I hope you all are doing fabulous. What do you keep in your purse or handbag?

Do you like little purses or big bags?

(I love big handbags 👜 ♥️)

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