Chapter Seventeen

Beginne am Anfang

"Did you train in a hotel?" Eve asked Alfred.

"I did, ma'am," He replied.

Alfred is about to pick up the utensils, then leaves them and lets Isobel serve herself. Mr. Carson glares at Alfred.

"That will be useful, won't it, Carson?" Isobel asked, "Are you all set for the wedding?"

"Of course he is. Carson's motto is "Be prepared"," Mary replied.

"I'm afraid Baden-Powell has stolen it," Violet said.

"But you have all the help you need?" Cora asked.

"Well, I wouldn't fight the idea of a second footman, My Lady," Mr. Carson replied.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I sometimes think it's time we lived in a simpler way," Matthew said.

"I agree. Much cattle, much care," Isobel agreed.

"Always supposing we have the choice," Robert added.

"Oh, don't say that. It's our job to provide employment. An aristocrat with no servants is as much use to the county as a glass hammer," Violet chuckled.

"Is there anything new from your beau, Eve?" Mary inquired.

"Yes, Emilio wrote that he and his family are in the countryside of Spain, but he won't be able to make it to the wedding, I'm afraid. His father is introducing him to some politicians while they're visiting a family friend's vineyard, but he said he will visit. It will be not long after you and Matthew return from your honeymoon," Eve answered.

"I wish you would stop talking to that man," Robert voiced, earning looks from everyone in the room.

"And why is that, Uncle Robert?"

"Because we know little to none about this man. For all we know, Emilio could be conning you. And when his charade is over, you will be left with nothing but a broken heart," He explained, "That is why you need to stop being with him."

"It is my decision to be with him. If all of it is just a charade that ends with heartbreak, then I am glad that I was able to have just a fraction of love. After all, tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," Eve told Robert.

The next day, the car approaches the house, and the family and some staff wait to greet Tom and Sybil. After Alfred opens the door for them, Tom helps a pregnant Sybil down, his luggage in the other hand. Sybil steps out with a smile and goes straight to her father.

"Dearest Papa," Sybil kisses his cheek, "Tell me, did you send the money? Please say yes."

"What money?" Robert asked, confused.

"Hello...Tom. Welcome to Downton," Cora greeted him as she approached him with a bright smile and a handshake.

"I hope I am welcome, Your Ladyship," He said.

"Of course," Mary told him.

Tom gives a formal nod to Robert, who doesn't respond.

"Alfred, would you take the luggage for Mr. Branson," Mary requested.

"There's tea in the library," Edith informed

Sybil turned to Eve and Hera with a smile before approaching them, "Oh, Eve," The two hugged, "I've missed you so much. Tell me everything about Emilio since your last letter."

"I'll tell you everything when we're in the library," Eve said as everyone entered the house.

That evening in the dining room, Eve was happy to have Sybil back. The two spoke of what was happening in their lives recently. Sybil asked Eve about Emilio and Eve asked Sybil about what had happened in her life in Ireland.

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