Waking Up to a Surprise

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I wake up with this massive headache. I could feel Someone holding my hand. I was really confused. Where was I anyway?

I raised up, but that only made the headache worse. I slowly opened my eyes. OMG!!! Aaron is in my room. AARON IS HOLDING MY HAND!!!

I have to be dreaming. "Umm, hi?" He quickly looked up at me. His smile grew. Wtf is happening Aaron doesn't even know who I am. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Umm Ya. My head just hurts. Do you know who I am?" Way to go Tess you don't just ask someone if they know you. "Well, yes and no. You see I know of you, but I don't know you. I just know your name is Tessa and your going out with William."

He said I'm going out with who now. "Oh Hell No! I would never," I gaged in the middle of my sentence. "I would never go out with William. Oh wait that was rude, but come it's William the guy who has a pet rock and sometimes think he's Patrick Star from spongebob." He laughed at that. Why is he laughing come on this is serious. Well now that I think about it, it is kinda funny I guess.

My headache came back and it was so bad I had to lay down and ask Aaron to turn of the light. "So what happen to me anyway?" He had this guilty look on his face. "Well I kinda went up to talk to you and William came to and when I called out your name you turned around and William tripped you I think and you fell and hit your head on the concert pretty hard." That explains a lot. Of course William would have something to do with this.

"So did you need to talk to me." I asked. "Ya, but I think it can wait till tomorrow. I'll come back to see if your doing better then ask." He smiled at me and walked out of me room.

Great now I'm just gonna have to sit here and think of all the freaking possibilities of what he would want to ask me. He probably just wants help on something in science. That's what all the other kids come to me for.

I soon fell asleep. When I woke up someone was sitting by my bed. Was it already tomorrow? Was Aaron already back? When my eyes adjusted I saw it was just Kayla.

"Hey sickly. You feeling any better? Cuz if your not your mom said you could stay home and I could stay here to take care of you." Just then my mom yelled up, "Can she go to school?" "No! I think she needs to stay home." I'm so happy she went outside my room to yelled that. I would probably bit her head off if she yelled right next to me. Plus I'm happy she knows me so well. Even if I was feeling better I would still stay home.

"Thank you. You know me so well." She laughed. "What are best friends for. So what happen to you anyway?" "According to Aaron, William tripped me when I turned around to talk to Aaron." She looked surprised. "You were actually gonna talk to Aaron?" "Well he said he needed to ask me something and when I hit my head he brought me home and sat right were you are till I woke up. He said he would come back again today to see how I was doing."

My phone dinged while I was explaining to her what was going to happen. I looked at my phone and it said 1 new message.

Hey I'm really sorry I hurt u yesterday. I'm come now to help. See u then!
~ William

"No no no no no!" I started saying. Kayla looked at me worried. "What wrong are you gonna throw up?!" "Worse Williams on his way here."

20 minutes later

"Ding dong!"
Like I said there he was. Shoot me now. I opened the door with a pissed look on my face.

"Hey girly I brought you chocolates!" He said with a huge smile on his face and tried to walk in, but I stopped him with my hand and pushed him back outside. "Why the heck does the whole freaking school think WE are DATING?!"
"Oh Umm funny story bout that haha umm." he said nervously. "Look this is what your gonna do." I said demanding yet calmly, "Go to school, tell everyone we are not dating, make a sign that clearly states I am not dating you, and hang it in the main hallway, then go on with the rest of your day. If I do not see that you didn't do one of these things, I will personally come and kill your pet rock then hurt you!" And with that I took the chocolates then slammed the door in his face.

I was sooo proud of myself!


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Plzzzzz keep going on with the story!! Thx Byee!!❤️

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