Worse day ever

22 1 0

*u guys arrived early*
Haruto P.O.V.

Him: My thing has arrived 😏😏-said in a whispering voice
His GF(Yuji): What babe?
Him: Oh nothing..

back to your P.O.V.

You saw Haruto and his little minions. You sighed to yourself and Won heard it and asked you whether u are feeling alright .
Won: Jagi are you oky? 🥺
You: Im fine wonie☺️
Doyoung: Yah babo Its because of Haruto
You: Yah kim doyoung!
Doyoung ran away from you while running towards Haruto. (A/N: Yea i forgot to mention Doyoung is friends with Haruto.. ok now back to the story)
You: Aish jinjja
Won just laughed at your cuteness. To be honest, although Doyoung can be annoying at times , you can really see him as a caring person..


The school bell rang and you know it's the start of the worse class as Haruto sits next to you..and you sighed while looking down.. Won waves to you as he left for his class☺️
You: A worse class to start the day 😞
Class started and you already started to hate it.. The class is fun as it goes on but you feel like someone is looking at you while you are paying attention to the board. You turned to face him. Yes him.. Your first love, Your bully, Your crush ..
Haruto: What?
You: No i mean why are you staring at me? It's annoying
Haruto: hmph😏 dont you like it though?
You: *starts blushing and looking away* u-um nnoo
With that you just started to mind your business. Haruto keeps on staring at you , smiling away..

*recess bell ring*

You ran to the cafeteria as you saw Keita and Won . Won opened his arms for you to hug him but you went to hug Keita (A/N: Sorry wonie 🥺)
Won: Heol 🥺
You: Hehe sorry wonie its just that i miss keita
Keita: i missed you too
You: oppadeul what are you waiting for..? Lets get it
Won and Keita just laughed at your cuteness and copy the way you walk😂
You ordered your food and went to sit on your favourite spot :)

While eating, u feel water pouring down from your head. You turned and saw Yuji with a smirking face
Yuji: hey bitch, stop flirting with my Haruto *slaps your face*
You dropped and starts crying. Doyoung saw what happened from a far
Doyoung: YAH KANG YUJI! *slaps her hard* what the freak are you thinking?! You think u can just simply slap her just because you are Haruto's girlfriend?
Yuji: Do-doyoung ah whats wrong with y-you?
Doyoung: There is nothing wrong with me. But there's something wrong with you !!
You tried to stop Doyoung from fighting as you know that he can get real mad .
You: Do-Doyoung ah Its okay .. Please just stop ..
Doyoung: No u think i am gonna stay still ?! She slapped you.!
Haruto suddenly came to the scene
Haruto: Kang Yuji Let's break up😏
Yuji: Wh-what? Babe no pls..
Haruto: Yah. U thought i love you? And u thought that you were my girlfriend? Hmph think ahead.. i never once forsee you as my girlfriend 😏
Yuji: Wh-what? Y-you gotta be kidding..

People in the cafeteria were just shocked as you are.. They didn't expect things to turn this way..

(A/N: same I didn't expect it to end this way.. haha okay sorry for the cliffhanger.. next chapter will be updated soon :) )

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