Chapter Four

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It was somewhat suspicious that Amy hadn't yet been caught by her father, but she was far too elated about having spent so much time with Romeo to even think about the fact.

She would later come to regret her ignorance.

During the next few days that followed her having met all the newsies, Amy would stop by Jacobi's more often, eager for any chance she got to see Romeo. They very commonly found themselves back on the Main Street, with her watching the newsboy in admiration as he sold his papes and sometimes, just sometimes, stopped for a while just to talk to her.

It unfailingly made her feel like she was on top of the world.

She'd also gotten a lot closer with the newises, Jojo especially. She felt she would've gotten along well with Finch, also, except he never talked. Unless the subject had something to do with Lane. Then you couldn't get him to shut up.

Amy hadn't ever known friendship with a boy, much less a whole gaggle of them. It was strangely exhilarating.

Those boys treated her more as a sister than her own brother ever did.

"Hey, Juliet!"

Amy rolled her eyes playfully, letting the door to Jacobi's close behind her on her way in. "Albert."

"Where's Rome?" Albert questioned, gazing around.

She shrugged, gazing around the room. "No clue. I thought he was with you guys?"

At that moment, the door to the restaurant was thrown open, making Amy jump, revealing a sheepish looking Romeo. "Ya bums bett-ah not have already finished eatin' without me!"

"Yer tha bum!"

"Wese all bums," Finch commented, rolling his eyes. Amy watched as he dug out a rock that had gotten stuck in shoe and shot it after Sniper, who'd made the remark. "What took ya so long, Rome? Couldn't sell enough papes?"

They all snickered at that, and even Romeo smiled. But Amy had been watching him long enough to know that there was something else in his expression. He looked troubled.

"Guys, stop teasing him," Amy spoke up in his defence. "I'm sure he had something important to do."

"Yeah." Romeo shrugged, seeming even more upset by her words. "Important." Before Amy could ask if he was all right, he slapped on a grin. "Hey, where's Jack?"

"Ya deaf or somethin'?" Mush lifted his head from the table. "Jack went ta go tha a meetin' earli-ah dis mornin'. Left Crutchie in charge."

"Meeting?" Amy frowned. "What meeting?"

"The one where all the leaders are conferring about that boy's death over in Brooklyn," a girl explained, stepping inside the restaurant. "Oh, hi. I don't believe we've met."

Amy blinked. What was it with everyone coming in all of the sudden?  "No, I don't believe we have."

But Amy had recognized her before she'd even told Amy her name. "I'm Katherine Pulitzer. Yes, daughter of Joseph Pulitzer. I know it can be a little hard to swallow."

"Amy Fernsworth," Amy returned. "My father owns the clothing factory just down the street."

The girl, Katherine, who had lovely red hair and a curious expression on her face, looked interested, if not a little hesitant. "I may have heard of him before. I've never gotten to meet him, though. Is he usually at home?"

Amy shrugged. "We don't pay very much attention to each other. I guess I wouldn't know."

Katherine smiled slightly, maybe even sympathetically, before walking over to Crutchie. "I'm guessing he hasn't come back yet?"

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