"Jay left and now we're kinda at war."

"Sick." He murmured. "So how's everything been?"

"Good. I almost got shot yesterday, but I'm fine I promise!"

"Oh no!"

"How's uncle Steve?"



"Pa? Can I talk to you for a moment?" Pico hesitated.

"Yeah of course son." He said while getting up. Pico led him to a different room, which I assumed was a dining room.

"Baize, right?" I asked.


"What do you like to do?"

"Uhm I like to draw alot. I also like to write."

"Oh same! Could you show me some of your stuff?" I wanted to get to know her better.

"Sure. Do you think you could help me with this one part on my drawing? I have trouble getting the lines right." She asked happily.

"Yeah of course! I'd be happy to help." I said, following her upstairs.


"Pa, you've gotta get us outta here. They may look rich but they treat us like shit. One wrong word around here and they take everything. Like- once Baize tripped down the stairs and they took her door. It wasnt even her fault!" Pico said. He looked distraught. "You don't eat if you don't finish your homework, you don't go outside if you don't wake up on time- it's stupid and it's getting worse."

"Pico you know I can't do that right now. Give it a few more months and you'll be back at the base with us. I'm hoping y/n will help. I know she isn't your mom, or Baize's, but if she agrees she'll try her best at being there for you both."

"I trust you. What do you got with her anyways?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Well I don't- It started as friends with benefits but- ever since then I just... I don't know I just feel like I love her but I'm scared to."

"If you love her don't be scared. You got this one." He said encouragingly. Captain was being coached by his own son.

"I know. I just don't want Jay to figure out. You know how he is."

"If he takes her I swear to god I'll burn their whole base down." Pico said. "With everyone in it." He added.

"Pico, you dont even know how to light a torch." Captain sighed and laughed.

"What- yes I do!"

"How? I never taught you."

"I have friends Pa. I'm not solitary."

"True. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stick you in a war just to get killed."

"If I die, at least I die knowing I contributed."

"Don't say that."

"It's true. Anyways, come check out my room." Pico said, leading Captain up the stairs.


"... and all you need to do next time is barely adjust the line and you'll be good."

"I don't know why I didn't think of that! That was actaully a good idea." She said to herself.

"Hey is that a kingsnake?" I asked, peering through a tank against the wall.

"Oh! Yeah, his name is Diggy. Pico picked the name. It's such a stupid name, but we stuck with it." She laughed. I caught a glimpse of Captain walking past the door. I started laughing too.

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