"I just didn't want to get it wrong. I wanted to make sure you liked it. But the thing is, you have most of the things you want already."

"Do I now?"

"Yeah, I mean, like, you have your special camera, your signature coat, Emma makes all of your jewelry. I don't know," he trails off. "Just open it, I'm working myself up now."

"I'm sure I'll love it, Harry," I turn back to the gift in my hand, slowly tearing away the paper.

At first the packaging confuses me, but then I reveal the label to the box.

"A can opener?"

"Um, yeah," he mumbles and clears his throat.

"We do need a can opener," I laugh under my breath.

"Yeah, I know," he scratches the back of his neck. "Um. But that's not all of it."

"It's not?" I twist the box around in my hand. He shakes his head.

"Open it."

I huff and peel back the tape. It rips, and I shake it. "Ah," I grin as the contents fall onto the blanket before me. There's two tickets. I pick one up and glance over the words.

"For you and Emma. But it's more a gesture than anything."

"France?" My eyes light up. He grins sheepishly.

"I know you really liked it there. I realize that plane might not work, you're busy. So if you want to change the flight just let me know that's fine. But I thought maybe I could pay for you to go back, and take her with you."

I'm at a loss for words. All I can do is grin ear to ear and stare in disbelief at him.

"But also the can opener," his tone becomes matter-of-fact. He coughs and his finger knocks against the metal of the tool. "You guys really needed to get one. I thought maybe that was a void I could fill."

I push aside the gifts and pounce, tightly holding his face to kiss him. He grins, and our teeth knock against each other. I lean back to take in his eyes, my hands still gripping his jaw.

"Thank you. I love it."

"Really?" He wonders. I nod emphatically.

"Yes," I bend back down to kiss him again. "Thank you." I pull away to let the words out. They hang in the small space between our lips.

"You're very welcome," he whispers, his voice low and warm.

"It's my turn now." I decide, letting go and twisting out of the sheets. I dig through my suitcase at the end of the bed, finding the small paper box holding his gift. I also grab Cherry by the strap and pull her out of the luggage. Before I set the box in front of him, I press record and bring the viewfinder up to my face.

He takes the box and holds it against his ear to mock me. When he shakes his though, a rattling noise startles him. His face switches to curiosity. I stifle a giggle as he stares, bewildered, at the gift in his hand. I zoom in so I'm closer to the top half of his body. He brings his knee to his chest and his hand up to scratch the back of his neck.

"You aren't going to figure it out. Probably best to just open it." I advise. He pouts at me over the camera lens.

"That's boring. Give me one guess."

I roll my eyes. "Fine. One."

"A box of rocks." He says plainly. I cough out a laugh. "I'm right, aren't I," he grins, gauging my reaction.

"I didn't get you a box of rocks for Christmas. I promise."

"A shit, I wish you would've. I'd have felt a lot better about the gift I got you."

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