Chapter 1: Here Comes A Saiyan!

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You are a lone saiyan survivor that barley managed to escape your planet's destruction by an unknown cause many years ago and since then you have been running for most of your life trying to find a place to call home but every time you find a good place to settle down, frieza and his forces attack the planet you are on and enslave it while you only manage to get away by complete luck until the latest planet that you tired to live on was attacked again by frieza.


(Y/n): Dammit!

A few of frieza's men fire at you with their arm cannons which only barley miss you as you return fire with a ki blast which makes them duck out of the way with the explosion knocking them away.

(Y/n): This may be my only chance!

You dash as fast as you can towards your pod and get in it.

(Y/n): Come on! Come one!

You press random coordinates on the pod and it starts to close as you can hear freiza's men starting to get closer.

(Green alien): DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!

The pod closes and starts to power up it's engine and just as frieza's men jump out of the planet life and see your pod shoot up into the air.

(Pink alien): SHIT! FIRE FIRE!

They are try to shoot you down with their arm cannons but they all miss and watch on as your pod leaves the planet.

(Pink Alien): DAMMIT!

(Green alien): We have to tell lord freiza about this!

The pink alien places his left hand on his scooter and press it.

(Pink alien): Lord frieza! our target has fled again.

(Freiza): Again? How pathetic, you can't even catch one monkey!

The pink alien jumps abit due to freiza's outburst but frieza takes a deep breath to clam himself down.

(Frieza): I want you to take a squad and go after him while we take over his planet but I would like to inform you that those damn jurians are about so you best complete your mission quickly.

(Pink alien): Y-Yes lord frieza!

The pink alien turns off his scooter and turns to his squad.

(Pink alien): Alright you lot, lord freiza has told us to follow that pod and kill that saiyan! so let's get a small ship and go after him!

The small group of aliens cheer as they run off to find a ship.

(Meanwhile with you)

(Y/n):....Dammit.....I thought I could get away from those the hell do they find me every time?.....

You find it out to keep your eyes widen as your body starts to go numb.

(Y/n):....I....need rest.......I hope.....whatever planet I go to nice.....

You fall asleep as your pod rockets through the dark abyss of space.


A good amount of time has passed since your pod started going through space with frieza's men getting a ship and chasing after you, although you clearly have a good lead on them as your pod starts to approach a large blue and green planet.

(Meanwhile on earth)

A boy is sitting on a dock just thinking to himself in front of a large lake when a girl with long blue ponytails comes running out of the big house behind him.

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