Moving In

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Jamie doesn't give a shit. Haters? Don't give a shit. Rude people? Don't give a shit. Overall anyone walking on this planet? Don't. Give. A shit

That was just how he was.

And currently he was in an old, dusty, new bungalow. His family, consisting of his parents and very annoying younger brother had recently, as in a few hours ago, had moved into this old place.

 His eyes roamed about the room, 'his' empty room. The furniture for his room was yet to arrive and it would probably take them a whole week to completely settle down, decorations and everything. He let out a sigh. He missed his old, warm room with his cozy and warm bed but here he was, in a cold, crusty, dusty, musty, old house sleeping in a dark, empty room on an air mattress.

He'd also been enrolled in a school nearby, a good one according to his mom.

He didn't look forward to it. New school meant new people which meant socializing. He couldn't bring himself to understand why ANYONE would want to communicate with a short dude with literally nothing interesting about himself. He could play guitar and cook a few good meals but that's it. That is the only good about Jamie Winston.

He groaned, thinking made his brain hurt. 1:00 AM was displayed in a bright red on his alarm clock. He'd better go to sleep he thought.

 He looked around one last time. Boxes, empty space, dark figure- wait, he squinted. Nothing. Just some more empty space. 

He rubbed his eyes and turned to the other side. "I'm just exhausted from travelling in that tiny van for so long", he told himself. Boy was he wrong. Never mind that. 

Continuing on, he forced his eyes shut and let the drowsiness take over him and fell asleep only to be woken hours later by the obnoxiously loud beeping of his alarm. He blinked a few times, processed his surroundings and groaned. 

This was gonna be a long day...

                                                                    . . .                                                                                                                

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