Chapter 1 [Ties that bind Part 1]

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The house was calm, it was so quiet for a second. You could hear a pin drop. But after that moment came the crying and all the emotions that come from loss. My grandfather, or as Mariana called him Pipo had passed away. I exited the room, feeling nauseous as the thought of my grandfather's death washed over me like a flood. I walked to our couch in the living room. Gabe also walked in and sat beside me.

Y/N: "hey."

Gabe: "hey"

I though of what to say, depending on Gabe what I say could result in me getting in trouble for offending him.

Y/N: "how you doing man?" I asked as I nudged him ever so slightly as to not set his mood off, if he had one.

Gabe: "I dont really wanna talk about it Y/N"

Y/N: "thats cool bro. Its fine" I scanned the room looking around at the panic of the situation, as everyone was trying to find something else to do, to distract them from the corpse that was in the other room. I scan the room looking for Uncle Javi, but to only find that he hasnt shown up. I see my grandmother walk to the couch and sit next to Gabe, and notice that my father walked out the door. I take that as my cue to leave as well. 

I walk out the door quietly closing the screen door as to not distract anyone. I walk over to the step and notice my father has a pack of beer. (Is it called a pack??) I sit down on the first step across from my father.

Y/N: "hey dad" I say trying to start a conversation "You okay?"

David: "I should be asking you that son." He replys as he opens a beer.

Y/N: "Where is uncle Javi?" I ask "Didn't he say he would be here?"

David: "Take this as a lesson son, dont count on your uncle for anything. All he does is just promise and promise, but when it comes to it, he never delivers" he reply's as he takes a sip of his beer

I felt a tug in my heart because I have a deep respect for Uncle Javi, as he was my model. Sure he hasnt figured himself out yet but deep down I knew he was a good person. But maybe by him not showing up, it made me start to believe what dad was saying.

I stood up and decided to go back inside of the house and see how everybody was doing. I saw gabe still on the couch and decided to walk over into the kitchen with my Mother (I know Kate is the step mom but we treat her with more respect) 

Y/N: "Hey mom" I said as I entered the kitchen and sat on a chair

Kate: "hey Y/N how are you feeling bud?" she asked me as she put some plates down in the sink and turns to me

Y/N: "I feel fine." I replied "It just dosent feel real, its like nothing has happened and he is still in the other room"

Kate: "thats okay Y/N there is nothing wrong with that" she says trying to comfort me

I glance out the door and notice that Uncle Javi is here

Y/N: "Bye mom, i'm going to go outside."

Kate: "okay"

I walk to the door and notice that Gabe has gotten up and walked into the kitchen. I look around the room to search for Mariana and find that she is still in the room with grandpa. I dont know why she would want to be in that room any longer, but to each is their own. I walk out the door and close the screen door gently again.

David: "I want to belive that, I do." He then notices me walking outside

Y/N: "Uncle Javi!" I yell and hug him excitedly as if I had forgotten what led for him to visit us in the first place I suddenly realize what had happened only a while ago and stop the hug, as I pull back and look at the ground I can tell Javi know's whats wrong

Javi: "I'm sorry Y/N. Its going to be okay though. He wouldnt want you to be upset." he says as he gently holds my chin and lifts It up so that our eyes meet "he would want you to keep your chin up and keep on chugging on" I nod and the screen door slams shut, as we turn to see the door shut we see Mom now on the porch. 

Kate: "Javi"

Javi: "Kate"

Kate: "Im so sorry, Javi. Im so sorry" She states as she hugs Uncle as Dad turns around and sits down again, drinking his beer.

Javi: "thank you"

Kate: "lets go inside your mother needs you" she pulls away from the hug as he nods "what happened to you?" Mother asks as Uncle nods towards Dad. "come on" she responds as the three of us head inside

I walk around the house never staying in one place as I caught glimpses of everyone's conversation. Finally I decide to check in on Mariana in grandfather's room.  She walks out with a cup as I gently grab her arm to stop her 

Y/N: "What are you doing sis? You know you dont have to fill it anymore."

Mariana: "no Y/N Pipo was thirsty, his throat was very dry"

 I let go of her arm as she walked away. I stood for a moment in shock. What does she mean his voice was dry? I thought as I walked into the bedroom. I turned on the light to see my grandfather! No. N-no he died! I thought as I backed away from the door frame

Y/N: "Uncle Javi!!" I yelled as he and the rest of the family came walking to the room

Javi: "Whats the problem Y/N?" he asks as he stops to see his father come to life again  

Uncle Hector:"scootch over Y/N" he walks over to see Grandpa at the window "<Rafa? H-how is this possible?>" he continues to walk towards him as Hector puts his hand on Grandpa's shoulder and Grandpa turned his head. Then Grandpa attacked Hector! They went flying into the closet 

Hector: "Pull-- Pull him off! Pull him off!"

Dad and Javi go to restrain Grandpa putting his arms behind his back and his head against a shelf

David: "<Dad! Dad! Calm down. Its me! Its David! Your home calm down!>" 

Grandma then comes into the room distressed

Grandma: "<what are you doing?>

David: "<He's crazy. He attacked Hector.>"

Grandma: "<He's just confused>" she replys as she goes to hug him

Javi: "Mama.."

Grandma then goes to kiss Grandpa but then Grandpa bite her on the cheek!

Y/N: "Oh my god!" I scream stepping back helping Grandma to sit into a chair as Javi and Dad try to stop Grandpa "Its okay Grandma your gonna be okay" I turn to see Grandpa on top of dad

Y/N: "DAD" I yell as I see Uncle break one of the bed frames and prepare to swing

Javi: "Im sorry, papa!" he says as he takes a big swing



Author's note~ Hey guys! hope you liked the intro. Try to tell me about any mistakes I made as I am just starting to write and would like any criticism. I may post a new chapter later this week. But if I dont then I will next week. Have a nice day!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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