Chapter 10

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"Hey Kat! Congratulations one becoming number 1 hero!" Ei welcomes me home with a kiss.

"Hey Ei, why are you home? I thought you had night duty tonight?" I kiss him back and slip my shoes off for a pair of slippers.

"Yeah I did. But I asked Denki to take over for me tonight," Ei walks to the kitchen while I go to our bedroom to change out of my hero suit. Once I'm done changing Ei is fixing plates for us in the kitchen. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. I lightly kiss the back of his neck that was exposed due to him having his hair tied up in a bun.

"What's wrong Kat?" He turned around with my arms loosely wrapped around his waist. He gave me a peck on my lips before he started to inspect me, trying to find any hints to my mood.

"Nothing Ei. I just missed you," He raises his eyebrow at me.

"It's not nothing. Kat what's wrong?" I sigh as I drop my arms to my sides. I bite my quivering lip as I try to keep the tears from spilling over.

"I talked about the incident in my speech.."


"I know it wasn't our fault but..why couldn't we try harder to make him stay..? Why couldn't I make him stay Ei...? Why didn't we just all take his side...?" Ei wrapped his arms around me as I started to softly sob in his shoulder.

"I know we could have done something to change the outcome..but we can't do anything now Kat..we just have to move on.." After about 5 minutes of standing there in his embrace, we let go.

"You okay?" I nod my head as he wipes my stray tears away with his thumbs. He smiles at me and gives me a peck on the lips.

"Okay, you wanna eat?"

"Yes please," I smile at him as we both sit down with our plates and eat together. I have this gut something bad is gonna happen..but I just ignore it. This is time with my Ei. And I wouldn't trade that for the world.

After dinner, we decide to watch a movie together. We've missed out on our weekly horror movie nights because work has gotten pretty busy for me recently. Recently some old pro heroes have gone missing. Endeavor and Present Mic all went missing in the past 4 weeks. We have no leads or anything. We don't even know why someone would kidnap retired pros. But I finally have tonight off.

We're an hour into the movie, Ei holding a death grip on my arm. He activated his quirk a few times on accident so I'll definitely have to patch my arm up after this movie. But it's all worth having time to spend with him. My phone starts to buzz. It's the number 2 hero, Shoto, or as I like to call him, Icyhot. I look down at Ei and he pauses the movie so I can talk.

"What the hell do you want Icyhot?"

"You cuddling up with Eijiro? That'll explain why you're so moody,"

"Well what about Iida? You still sucking his di-"

"That is irrelevant at the moment Katsuki," I can basically hear his blush over the phone. Ei elbows my side and gives a slight glare. I shrug my shoulders at him as he rolls his eyes.

"Well I called because I have news,"

"What is it?"

"All Might has gone missing.."

"What?" I yell and jump off the couch. Ei raises off the couch quickly and raises his eyebrows at me. I can see the worry fill his eyes.

"Yeah. All Might has gone missing. No traces, no evidence, nothing,"

"It doesn't make sense.."

"It doesn't. And I know you have time off tonight but we could really use your help," I look at Ei apologetically as he knows I have to leave. He gives me an understanding nod and kisses my cheek.

"Okay. I'll be there in ten," I hang up the phone and quickly change into my hero outfit. Right as I'm about to leave, I get that feeling in my gut again. I wonder as to why I keep getting this feeling but I just ignore it. However, I feel like I should go talk to Ei before I leave.

I walk back into the living room to see Ei sitting on the couch with a different movie. I hug him from behind and kiss his ear.

"I love you,"

"I love you too Kat. Now hurry up so you can come back so we finish the movie together okay?" I nod my head and give him a kiss on the lips. It's not too short or too long. Just long enough to share my emotions with him. He gives me one of his big smiles that makes me fall in love with him all over again.

I open the door, that feeling creeping its way back into my stomach. I look back at Ei sitting on the couch. I smile to myself and close the door behind me.

As I'm walking to the agency I feel like someone is following me. I turn around to see no one there. It's about 9:30 at night. So it's a little late for anyone to be out. I'm not sure what's going on with me tonight. I turn back around and continue walking.

As I continue walking, the street lamps around me all of a sudden just go out. I can't see anything. But I know there's a villain somewhere. What are the odds that all of the street lamps go out at once? So I stand still, trying not to make that much noise. I don't hear anything though. It's just silence.

The street light in front of me lights up. There's a figure standing there. They're wearing a black hoodie with black jeans. The only color they have one are red boots..those were the boots he used to wear...

"Who the hell are you?" I'm met with silence. They don't say anything. They continue to just stand there.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Suddenly their body is covered with green lightning...just like his quirk....wait is this...Deku...? Before I can finish processing my thoughts. The figure is behind me in under a second.

"We meet again...Kacchan" The familiar voice whispers in my ear before I feel a force against my neck..and my vision fades to black...

To be continued...

(A/N) Firstly I want to thank you for over 400 reads! Thank you for reading my story and I hope you're enjoying it so far!

Secondly, I apologize for not updating this book last week. My grandma passed away last week so I wasn't able to update last week. I will try to continue to update every week. I will finish this book as well.

Thank you so much for reading! Until next chapter! <3

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