Ore Sanjou

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   Somewhere that don't look normal than the regular world. The sky was a rainbow color that was sparkling and one the ground it just sand with mountains that almost resemble the grand canyon.

On the sand was train tracks with a weird design train on it. The train was following these light things on the track.(A/n I don't know what those light things are so I'm calling them that for now until I know I know what they are.) It was getting close to it, but the lights thing got off the track and going to the ditch under the bridge.

More train tracks forms curve on the original track still following it down as more track were form with no flat surface holding the track. The train horn was getting close to it. It getting close but a colorful portal portal form as the lights things went in.

The track cuvre so it doesn't crash and stop before almost got hit by the wall. The same portal open up to the regular world as the lights thing was spreading out in the town.

   Izuku pov

Izuku was rubbing in his eyes trying see better. Izuku was now wearing his usual outfit, than he look upbat the sky to see something in the sky. Izuku dressed in a t-shirt, big jacket, a red scarf, jeans, and his red shoes. "Hey kid are you alright?" Izuku look down at the person wearing a construction helmet. "Don't worry I got it out, justa bit of sand." Izuku responded.

"NO KID YOU ARE STUCK IN THE TREE!!" The guy point of view show that Izuku was on top the his tree with his bike. He got a ladder. "How did this even happen?" He ask Izuku.

  Izuku flashback

Izuku was riding his bike on the sidewalk minding his business until a strong gust of wind blew some sand in his eyes. Izuku immediately try to get it out of it but the wind blew again causing a sign of a cafe to fall off and landed right infront of tye curve. Izuku couldn't see the turn and ramp off of it and landed to a tree.

    Flashback ended

Construction worker help Izuku got down from the tree. Izuku bow to said thanks to him. "No problem kid but don't be on trees again." He said to Izuku. "I try  and thanks again." Izuku got on his bike and ride off.

Izuku stop for a minute and got his phone to see what he doing. "I need to stop by the shop." He put it away and start pedding to the shop.

   No one pov

Izuku was almost to the shop, just a couple of turn. As he was riding Izuku front tires was started to deflated. "Why now of all the places." Izuku was sbout to use the brakes but it wasn't working. "Please stop stop stop stop." Izuku try to stop his bike but all he need to do is avoid hitting people. Izuku try but ended up crashing near a group of people under a overpass. "Sorry, is everything okay?" Izuku immediately ask. The group  that Izuku almost hit walk up to him.

  Somewhere else

The train was moving backwards to get on the main track and continue to go. Inside the train three people was on it. One in the suit is the conducter, one a waitress, and the last one was a regular female wearing a black and white dress the train.

The girl walk up and look at the train conductor and smile as he didn't smile back. The train continues to go.

  Izuku pov

Izuku was looking down as they look at him. "Hand over the wallet and you won't get hurt." One in a orange hat said. Izuku without hesitation pull out his wallet and giving it to them. One of them snatched it out of his hands and open it.

In the wallet there was a tag. "Izuku Nogami?" They look at him and look back at the wallet. "What the hell is this?" The one holding his wallet. "W-well if you-u throw away my w-wallet an someone's found it they-."  The one in glasses shut him up by a glare. They all laugh as they open the wallet to see no money. "Dude how often you get tobbed? Everyday." They continue to laugh at him. "Let get out of here, he pathetic." One in red said and drop his wallet. They all saiding rude things as Izuku stand there looking down in shame.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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