The Science Project

Start from the beginning

You waved bye as you left to go to your next class.

After the school, in the library...

You were in the library drawing in your new sketchbook. You really wanted to use it so as you wait in the library for Varian you decided to draw. In your sketchbook you were drawing Varian with hearts around him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Clay wanted to show me something at his locker." Varian apologized walking over to the table you were sitting at. You slammed your sketchbook closed.

As the two of you looked through science books to get ideas for your science project, you rested your head on Varian's shoulder. He was nervous about it at first but then he wrapped his arm around you.

You and Varian were talking as you walked out of the library.

"I guess, I'll see you tomorrow." You said. Varian smiled, "Yeah see you tomorrow." Before you walked away you kissed Varian on the cheek. "Bye!" You walked away.

Varian stood there shocked. "Good job, buddy!" Varian felt someone pat him on the back. Varian jumped. He turned around to see his best friend, "Oh its just you. Wait, what are you doing here?" "Oh, I joined a math club. Well to be honest its more of me helping students learn math. But what happened when she kissed you?" Clay asked. "I don't know? Although she did lean her head on my shoulder in the library." Varian was confused. "Dude! She likes you! How can you not see that?" Clay shook Varian's shoulders. "No, no, no. That can't be right. The most popular girl in school crushing on the nerdiest kid in school." Varian was still confused. "Think what you want buddy. She has a crush on you and that's that." Clay walked away.

The next day...

You were at your locker excited to see Varian again in science class.

"Hey baby." You looked over to see your boyfriend, Thomas, talking to you. "Hey." You smiled a little. "How about a date after school?" Thomas asked. "Sorry, no. I can't today. I'm working on my science project with Varian." You grabbed another book out of your locker. "With that nerd? Heh. I feel so bad that you had to be partnered up with him." Thomas chuckled. "First off he has a name. And second, he's a really nice and sweet person." You didn't look at him. Thomas got a little bit angry, "It sounds like you like him. Do you?" "Of course I like him. But... Uh... Not in that way. I like him as a friend." You lied, you did like Varian. "Now I have to head to class. See you later." You slammed your locker shut and walked away. Then something caught your eye, "Varian! Clay!" You ran over to the two, who were standing by Varian's locker.

3 days later...

It was the same routine they had:

You would get to the library first.
You would draw Varian with hearts around him.
Varian would finally come.
He would ask what you were drawing.
You would slam your sketchbook closed.
The two of you would work on the project.
Some how when you worked on the project, your head would end up on Varian's shoulder and his arm would end up over you.

As you and Varian walked out of the library, you asked him something.

"Uh, Varian." You asked as you stoped walking. "Yeah?" Varian came back and stood in front of you. "Do you mind wrapping your arms around me?" You asked. Varian stared at you confused. "Trust me." You smiled. He wrapped his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arm around his neck. You leaned up and kissed him. He was hesitant at first. But he ended up melting into the kiss. You pulled one hand back and held Varian's cheek.

You pulled away after a while and just smiled, with your one hand still holding his cheek.

"Oh, uh, I gotta go home now, bye." You snapped back to reality and kissed Varian on the cheek and left.

You And Me - ⭐Varian X Reader⭐ - 365 Days - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now