BokuAka x reader

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(I don't really understand discord servers, so sush) 

"Ugh. Finally!" you said as you plopped down into your gaming chair. You had a long day, and you were just looking forward to chatting with your discord friends and playing some Minecraft. You hummed happily as you booted your computer up, turning your swivel chair to pet your cat as you waited. 

You signed in and immediately pulled up your discord server and went to the general channel. 

"Oh, yourname is online. HEY!"    -owlace 

"hey! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ"    - yourname 

"leave him alone owlace"      -aka 

"It's okay, hru?" -yourname 

" I GOT A 47 ON MY TRIG TEST!" -owlace 

"lucky, i had a chem test and i got a 42." - yourname 

"You two need to study more." - aka

"but studying is boring. " -owlace 

"it's not stimulating enough to keep my attention."  -yourname 

"i tried to help you two." -  aka 

"Oh! I forgot to tell you guys I'm moving!" - yourname

"are you going oversea?" -aka 

"Nah I'm going to Tokyo" -yourname

"WE CAN MEET EACHOTHER!!!!" -owlace 

"I can hear your screaming from here geesh" -yourname

"it will be fun to maybe meet up. What school are you going to?" -aka 

"idk, we're still waiting on the school to decide if I can transfer in this late." -yourname 


"with my coordination, id break my neck tripping over a stick bug" -yourname 

"Come on. it'll be fun!" -owlace 

"stop pressuring him to do something he doesn't want to." -aka 


"I'll try it sure, but I won't be any good" -yourname

"I have to go for dinner, be back in a bit"-yourname 

"bye!" -owlace

"Have a nice dinner." -aka

You hummed as you walked out of your room, headed down the stairs. 'It would be cool if we could all meet up sometime. I wonder what they look like? I bet owlace has some really unique hair cut.' 

"Oh M/N, the letter from Furokudani cam earlier today." your mom said, handing you your plate as you sat down at the table. 

"Have you opened it?" you asked, taking a bite of noodles.

"I was waiting for you, let me go get it." your mom said walking towards her room. You got in another few bites of noodles before getting lightly wacked over the head. "Eat your vegetables." 

"Yes mom." you said, taking a few bites of spinach. 

Your mom chuckled before opening the letter. She smiled wide with a little gasp as she read the letter. 

"They're letting you transfer!" She cheered, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. You smiled and gave an excited shake of your head as you swallowed the bite of food. The two of you continued dinner in a happier mood. 

Haikyuu x Male!reader oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora