Ch.13 Little Fairy

Start from the beginning

"Kiara, I don't think that's what's happ-"

"I heard them, Killian," Kiara said. "They don't trust me. I see the way Clare looks at me. scares me. I want to leave. Please, can we leave?"

"We can't leave," Killian shook his head. "We're having a baby. We need to stay here."

Kiara slowly gasped. She took a step back and wrapped her arms around herself.

"They've convinced you I'm crazy too, didn't they?" She asked.

"No," Killian shook his head. "I know you. You're not crazy."

"Can we please leave?" Kiara begged again. "I don't like it here. They make me feel unsafe. Please, Killian. I want to leave."

"Kia," Killian held up his hands. "Relax, babe. I'm here. No one is going to hurt you."

"No," Kiara sobbed. "Clare will change your mind. If we stay here, she'll convince you I'm crazy."

"You're not crazy," Killian said, taking her hand. "No one is going to convince me you're crazy."

"I want to leave," Kiara sobbed harder as she walked into Killian's arms.

She buried her face in his chest and gripped his shirt with her small hands. His warm arms wrapped around her tightly as he held her head and kissed her several times. Beneath her hands, Kiara could feel Killian's heart humming wildly. She pulled back just a little and looked up into his dark blue eyes.

"I want to leave," she said once again.


"So Enzo," Nora cleared her voice as she observed the guy in front of her.

At first she had seen only the brown in his hair. But as she looked closer, she started to pick up small traces of blonde playing hide and seek in between the dark curls.

"What are you?" Nora asked.

"I'm half jinn and half human," Enzo smiled. "My father is a jinn and mother is human."

"Oh nice," Nora nodded, feeling a strange bitterness in her chest. "How do you know Mr. Heyder?"

"I used to work for Ali," Enzo explained. "But last week, I was informed I was being transferred."

"Ah, just like me," Nora said. "I used to work for the palace. But then Clare had me come here."

"Why are you leaving? If you don't mind me asking?"

Nora gave a nervous laugh before leaned back slightly in her chair, "It's a bit of a long story."

Enzo just started, waiting for the story.

"You see, my boss....our boss, isn't the nicest person to work with," Nora said with hesitation.

"Really?" Enzo frowned, reaching up to adjust his glasses. "He seemed polite."

"Noooo," Nora shook her head. "Hayden is not polite. He's.....vicious. Devious. Cunning."

"But that's how all jinns are..." Enzo muttered quietly.

"But Hayden really takes it up a notch," Nora leaned forward and lowered her voice. "Did they make you sign the non disclosure forms yet?"

"No," Enzo shook his head.

"He will," Nora whispered. "And once you sign those are in for life, buddy."

"Did you sign them?" Enzo leaned forward and whispered.

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